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  GREG successfully healed Malfoy's wounds and made sure the potion was still enough for him to sleep through the night. Catherine had begged him to stealthy add the sleeping draught just enough to knock him out so we could fix his bloody hand. Despite his doubts, it wasn't that hard. Malfoy was too busy being angry with whatever was running around his thoughts. He barely acknowledged Greg when he entered and only protested when the draught's effect started to take over.

  "What the hell?" He slurred angrily.

  "It's for your own good, trust me mate." Greg tried to explain, knowing he was going to be furious when he woke up.

  He made sure that his hands were placed on top of his stomach to prevent further damage and secured the bandages loosely. Despite the foolish self-inflicted injuries to his hand, his recovery was textbook.

  Catherine was rearranging the boxes of antidotes when Greg returned to the healer's station. With her back facing him, she asked "Did you do it?"

  "Yeah, he's out cold still. Probably going to wake up early in the morning."

  Catherine nodded and focused on the boxes. After being her friend for nearly 10 years, he knew she was anxious. Whatever happened or whatever Malfoy said is getting into her head, because she's Cathy. Gabby used to say she was like a marshmallow. Put it over the fire for sometime and you get a hard rigid exterior. But once u break down her walls, inside she's just filled with fluff and sweetness.

  "Go home Cathy, rest. I can handle him."

  Catherine immediately shook her head. "No... He's going home tomorrow anyway Greg. It's his last night."

  "Then send him off tomorrow. He's going to be in deep sleep through the night anyways. You need proper sleep-"

  Catherine turned around and put her hand up as if to motion Greg to stop talking. "Greg... please" She sighs and closes her eyes, her eyebrows drawing in. She put back the remaining boxes on the shelf and sat down on one of the chairs, her head tipped back looking at the ceiling.

  "What is it with you and him Cathy? What is this about?"

  When she didn't answer, Greg took the seat in front of her, resting his elbows on his knees. "Do you like him or something?"

  "No." her answer was immediate. "No... I pity him I guess?" Not sounding sure of herself.

  "He's not a wounded animal you can fix and it'll happily fly away you know."

  Catherine nodded. They were both quiet for a moment. It was late and Greg should get going, but he didn't want to leave Catherine still deep inside her overthinking thoughts.

  "It's just... If I were in his shoes, I would want someone to give me the benefit of the doubt." She sat up a little straighter and looked him in the eye. "If life completely knocks you down, and the people you thought you called family just disregards the love you deserve... I would want someone to actually give a damn about me. No matter how small and minute their efforts are, at least someone cared even for just a little while."

  "His situation is different than yours." Greg tried to reason with her. "We just don't want you to get hurt Cathy. He's not like you."

  "No he's not." Catherine stood up and fixed her robe "But that doesn't mean he's not human."


  Draco changed into some clean clothes that Blaise brought for him. It was nice to finally be out of those hideous checkered pattern pyjamas. He carefully buttoned his pants with his uninjured hands and now finding it extra difficult to put in his thickly bandaged right hand through the white button down.

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