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  CATHERINE held a pitcher of her homemade pink lemonade with one hand and Smalls' leash with the other. Smalls was being a champ, carrying 2 trays of red velvet cupcakes that were strapped to his back. Catherine made sure to package it tight so the frosting wouldn't smear. She didn't even need to knock on Greg and Gabby's door because Smalls barking was alerting enough for Gavina and Grey to yank open the door.

  "Aunt Cathy!" Gavina jumped to give her a big hug. "I miss you!"

  "I miss you too pumpkin!" She tried her best to hug her back. Grey was too busy fussing with her dog and he was lapping up the attention.

  "Hi Grey!" Catherine patted his head. Being the gentleman he was, Grey was already unstrapping the cupcakes from Smalls.

  "Hi Aunt Cathy." He gave her a toothy grin. "Come on in! Here let me get the lemonade."

  Grey was already making his way inside with Smalls following behind him. Gavina stayed glued to Cathy's hip. "I really really missed you. We wanted to see you when we went to the hospital but daddy said you were busy."

  "I heard someone stole her daddy's wand and practiced the vomiting charm on her brother." Catherine bent down and pinched her nose.

  "I didn't think it would work! I was bored..." Gavina defended.

  "Well in that case you would do excellent in charms classes later at Hogwarts." She giggled.

  Gavina led her inside the living room where there was a very terrible looking cake in the middle of the room. Catherine couldn't figure out what the shape of the cake was, and it was in this dark purple colour. The only thing she could see clearly was the writing mommy scribbled with bright pink letters. Grey was already unboxing her red velvet cupcakes decorating it around the table, swatting Gavina's chubby hands sneaking in to poke the cream cheese. He poured the lemonade into several glasses and covered them with some napkins.

  Catherine hanged her coat by the door, "Where's your dad?"

  "Everyone is in dad's study, talking about serious stuff. Daddy told us to finish the cake and watch out if mommy gets home." Well then that explains the cake...

  Greyson walked over to her and opened his arms. "I haven't given you a hug yet, Aunt Cathy. Do you want something to drink?"

  Catherine bent down and hugged him back, tickling him a little and Grey laughed. "That's okay sweetheart. How are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when you were at St. Mungo's."

  "Much better. Mommy confiscated Gavina's broom for this month so we're even." He said cheekily. "I'm going to beat her in flying lessons and I will be the house seeker like Uncle Harry!"

  Catherine laughed at her godson. "I bet you will." Gavina and Grey were too excited to go to Hogwarts even though it was still years away. Hearing the adults talking about their fun memories and with Greg now teaching them about magic bit by bit, they'll be bright students Catherine was sure of.

  Gavina and Grey were playing with Smalls when Catherine made her way into the study. Greg suddenly appeared from the door and looked relieved.

  "Oh thank God. I thought I was going to have to drag you here. Where are the cupcakes?" Greg asked her and gave her a small hug.

  "Well hello to you too..." Catherine muttered. "Who else came?"

  "Harry, Ron, Ernie and Nevile are in the study. Hannah went to distract Gabbs, she probably took her to the night market. Ginny and Summerby are coming soon. Hermione had a last minute meeting so she couldn't make it. I'm not sure about Dean and Heidi... Why don't you go in there, Ron brought some wine. I'll check on the food."

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