Chapter-1 realizing

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--It was another day in imp city, Blitzø was in his office sitting in his chair was laying back with one leg over the other taking a sip of his coffee with his hand,

while in his other one was scrolling through Voxtagram to find anything interesting because he's been wanting to find some entertainment ever since Moxxie and Millie leave for their lovey dovey dates.--

--The thought of him hearing about love made him shiver and he even made a sound from his mouth of disgust of even thinking about it. Just when thing's we're getting even more boring when Voxtagram had nothing to offer to entertain himself a certain owl calls him leaving Blitzø to drop his coffee and almost fall out of his chair in surprise,

--"WHAT IS IT STOLAS? You made me drop my Damn Coffee!" He spats out at the owl with an annoyed tone, dealing with his horny phone calls was enough but with Blitzø in a bad mood tone was even more tempting of him to break his phone again.

"oh sorry Blitzy, Stolas says with a bit of an apologetic voice and also sounding very seductive. "i just wanted to remind you about the full moon tommorow in case you forgot my favourite time of the month~?" saying it with such a seductive tone.

-- Now that annoyed Blitzø even more and he made a low growling sound when Stolas was gonna go on about his sexual fantasies on what he wants to do with Him, Blitzø turned the speaker sound off so no one in the office was hearing this conversation he was having with the rich asshole.

"of course i didn't forget asshole, I'm not forgetful like baby dicked Moxx" saying with an annoyed, rude tone. hoping he could get Stolas to leave him alone.

He waited a few seconds that felt like hours before Stolas finally said something

"Well Blitzy, I'm glad you haven't forgot about the full moon. I'll be expecting you very soon~" Blitzø was even more annoyed now by that stupid nickname he gave him after their one night stand, he only did it for the book and now this feathered rich asshole wouldn't leave him alone now.


"Yeah yeah whatever you say feathered prick" trying to avoid another conversation with him while messing with the Millie and Moxxie bobble heads, Stolas chuckled a bit before finally saying his goodbye to Blitzø who was relieved at not talking to him anymore for the day. he kept thinking to himself on maybe he shouldn't have said those thing's to Stolas and should have toned down on the insults, he then quickly shaked his head and smacked himself for thinking that.

"why did i just feel remorse for him right now?!" he half whispered to himself.

-- he made a thud trying to get up after falling when smacking his face for thinking such things that resulted in moxxie and millie to walk in his office

"you ok Sir?" moxx said looking somewhat concerned

"we heard a Loud thud and wanted to make sure you we're ok"

mills said after with a small grin on her face, that smile always knew how to brighten a room since she was the most cheerful one in this business.

Blitzø got up by using his desk to support him and looked over at Moxxie and Millie "oh yeah I'm fine, just slipped on some of my work papers" he said while looking down near his feet to find some papers with horse doodles on them.

"clearly" Moxxie said while looking around the office that was really unorganized

"anyway we'll leave you be sir and please for the love of Satan organize your office, you can't find anything in there" he said while shutting the door softly

-- Blitzø sat back in his chair ignoring what Moxxie said and went back to thinking on what he thought a few minutes ago about him feeling remorseful on Stolas.

he couldn't have possibly be feeling something for him, could he?

"Whatever, i got work to do and asshole clients to deal with" Blitzø said while throwing away papers with a wide grin looking so full of himself but deep down he was concerned on how Stolas feels about the insults he says towards him.

-- Chapter 1 end

Hope you all like it! it's my first fanfic so criticism is welcome for me to improve more! chapter 2 should be out soon!

Stolitz Fanfic-Complicated feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now