Chapter-12 Your move Blitzø

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Here's chapter 12! A heavy chapter and my headcanon how Stolas and Blitzø met! trying to get creative with naming the chapters more lol

Blitzø pov

-"uh Blitzø.. my name is Blitzø but the o is silent" Feeling awkward by having a conversation with this prince Stolas who kept eyeing me the whole time i couldn't tell if he was giving me a judgemental look or not either way i glared back at him as a way to get him to back off the creepy staring

i could hear Stolas beginning to clear his throat as he probably caught on that i was uncomfortable with the staring "forgive me imp but um that's.. a funny name to have, never mind that are we close to finding my owlet" letting out a groan of frustration about to say something till a sound of a child crying came closer and closer till they ran up and hugged my leg.

was going to yell at the kid to get off me but i realized it was an owl as well who looked similar to stolas but smaller

"uh.. Stolas here's your kid, who's grabbing onto me like there's no tomorrow" Stolas looked over at the child and called out her name "via! my owlet you're ok thank goodness" a sound of relief was heard as i just sat there watching the prince reunite with his daughter, this all faded when he started walking off with his daughter without a thank you for helping his dumbass out

"ahem" clearing my throat trying to get the prince attention as he turned around quickly looking a bit flustered after realizing he hasn't gave me a proper thank you for the help, figured. those royals we're always the type to be so stuck up like that.


"ah, my apologies imp, thank you for helping me find my daughter i appreciate it" seriously? that's it? clenching my fists looking annoyed that the fact this prick couldn't just call me by my name after telling him and acting so cold about it "yeah i have a name y'know so stop calling me on what i am"
furrowing my eyebrows looking up at the prince who seemed a bit loss for word's after i seemingly told him off i let out a chuckle at finding this amusing

"what? cat got your tongue or some shit?"

still looking at the prince who's finally got the word's at what he wanted to say after like 2 minutes
"right, thank you Blitzø for this i appreciate you helping me out now if you'll excuse me I'll escort me and my daughter home now"  hearing them walk away till they we're out of view i sat still standing for a few seconds before making my way home where dad's gonna be pissed for getting home late.

"psh asshole" saying to myself till i finally made it home while looking around to see my dad on the couch watching television, my mom who was washing dishes, my sister Barbie wasn't downstairs so i figured she was upstairs in her room.

making my way upstairs to my room i heard the news channel come on with the news lady katie killjoy bringing up about the Prince Stolas who was invited to talk with them on live television about himself and his special grimore that could grant access to the living world and do spells,  an idea went into my head, i was figuring out that puzzle piece that was missing from my life.

deciding to eavesdrop on everything to know more about the book and i heard a groan coming from my dad who was complaining at the tv "ugh they've shown this crap 2 times today who'd give a shit about this royal prick and his damn book" a loud crack was made by a beer glass being knocked over on the floor by my dad who just suddenly passed out.

at this moment i could care less and was enthusiastic about the idea i had, i needed to get the book, i need that book. just don't know how without getting caught, oh well there's always tommorow to figure things out.

-the next day-

waking up to the morning brightness coming from the window that made me groan in annoyance, started walking to the bathroom finding the medication my therapist gave me. didn't bother taking them as i didn't think i needed them anyway especially when i felt just fine, i always felt fine.

pouring water on my face to wake myself up more, taking a look in the mirror to find the robotic jester robofizz staring at me with his big grin repeating the word's "does anybody love you BlitzOo" i jump back startled blinking a few times to be sure i wasn't just seeing things. after a few seconds nothing was there but my reflection looking astonished.

"shit.., guess i haven't been sleeping have weird hallucinations or whatever the fuck just happened" looking down at the floor i start to get ready for the day as there was a sudden faint words coming from my head making out to be something as that robotic voice "your move Blitzo"

here's chapter 12! more into the past is revealing about Blitzø and Stolas, Blitzø will make his own business by getting help. see ya next week!

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