Chapter-6 Confrontation

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here's Chapter 6! this one might be short because 7th chapter will get more heart wrenching

Warning- Strong language, signs of abuse, Depression

this will be from Stolas perspective! enjoy!

-- I get out of the bathtub and blow out the candles who looked like they we're gonna burn out soon, wrapping a towel across my waist as i make it back to my room rummaging through my closet to find my robe.

I hear a buzz coming from my phone that Blitzø has taught me to use and instead of looking for my robe i walk over to my bedside to see what notification has popped up,
it came from Voxtagram and it was a message, i go over and check it to find out it was a message from Blitzø.

-- "Oh nice of Blitzy to come back after our little messages earlier~" saying with such a seductive tone thinking he might came back for pictures of me, that soon stopped as i read the message carefully as it seemed Blitzø was upset. i carefully type out asking what's wrong and i send it to him waiting patiently for a response, Not even 2 minutes later another buzz comes from my phone and it was a response from Blitzø.

i open the voxtagram page and go through what he has told me back and that's when i felt like my heart sank to the bottom after reading his response.


"Stella.." feeling such rage and heartbroken on Blitzø telling me he was upset because my wife, trying to not lose control of myself knowing that i might accidentally break the phone if i don't, i continue to text him what happened with him and my wife but he's refusing to tell me and changing the subject that everything's fine. I rest the palm of my hand on my head stressed out and getting very pissed off knowing Stella was messing around with Blitzø behind my back.

i take my leave leaving my phone on my bed and i walk out the door to Stellas work room, it wasn't that much of a long walk, everything felt dead silent as if i was trapped somewhere in a room with nothing but darkness, i look over at a picture with me and Stella together..

-- punching the wall of the picture with such force as a way to let my anger out because this woman was hurting the man i loved and genuinely care for, the glass broke into pieces shattering everywhere on the floor. i didn't care that i ruined a royal photo that wasn't at all to be ruined, what was on my mind is defending Blitzø and going to deal with Stella who thinks she had every right to harass my imp like that.

i made my way to Stellas work place and slam the door open not caring she'd throw a flower pot at me or just yell in general

"Stolas! has anyone ever taught you to knock before entering a room!? we aren't plebians who intrude every so often"

"Stella i don't have time for your status Bullshit" hearing her always talk about status left a bad taste in my mouth. this time she really pushed it too far

"i know what you have been saying towards Blitzø and it's very clear I'm not happy with what you have been saying to him" i storm over to Stella who has gotten up from her chair and walk over to me showing that she didn't have time to be listening on what I'm going on about Blitzø

"why do you always care and feel for that worthless imp? you're always finding a way to ruin our reputation and name while you go giving that disgusting creature pleasure, they should be serving us not standing next to us! your brain must be really rotten thinking that this imp really cared for you" this point i could feel my fists clenching and my lips quiver at what she just spat in my face, without thinking i could feel adrenaline spike up and that's when i saw stella pace backwards a bit, my eye's widen as if i woke up from a trance and look at my hand then over at Stella who now red mark on her face from where i slapped her.

"so you're defending that imp now i see, when are you gonna wake up and realize that imp doesn't even like you and is just using you for the book"

i still stare in shock but i still feel my blood boil more than ever after she had the tendency to say that at my face. "Stella.. if this is your way on making me not see him anymore then you are wrong and i don't believe a word you just said, after all i feel like you deserved that slap and i must say i don't regret doing such a thing to you" i cross my arm's and still give Stella this harsh looking glare waiting for a response

"ha.. you are seriously so naive and stupid Stolas, you always we're, i have proof this imp is just using you y'know"

she shows me her phone with a screenshot of their whole conversation and i could feel like time stopped..he was really using me for the book then, everything in my body feels numb as i feel my heart ache
of knowing that i was flirting with him and he pretended to feel the same while i was so blind to realize it.

"so.. it really was just for the book.." i say trying my best to not shed tears in front of her because i knew she'd find a way to use that against me.

"oh my Satan Stolas you really are fucking dumb, of course he used you and just wanted the book for your job, shit this is actually getting amusing that the lowlife imp loved someone who is as powerful as us"

i stare at the floor not knowing what to say next as i take my leave back to my room to text Blitzø if he did mean what he said, i approach my room as i sit down at the same spot on my bed side and grab my phone to text.

"Blitzy i hope what you have said isn't true at all.."

end of Chapter 6! hope you enjoy this long chapter and Chapter 7 will be more Stolitz moment's

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