Across from the table, Shindo and Chiyo look at one another intensely, holding their hands up.
Haiji glances between the pair. "Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three!"
Shindo throws his hand out flat while Chiyo shows her fingers into a scissor sign, grinning at him. "Sorry, Shindo. Another shot, buddy."
"Oh well," He shrugs, grabbing the full shot glass and downing the spirit in one, screwing his face up.
"It's a game of wits, what can I say?"
Prince glances at her. "I'm pretty sure it's just luck."
The restaurant is relatively quiet, seeing as it's only a Thursday evening, but the large group of 15 are making up for the quiet business. Being such a large group, they're sat on the tatami mat floor around a large table in a separate section to the rest of the dining areas.
Haiji turns in his seat, placing a hand on Chiyo's shoulder and leaning closer to her. "Do you want another drink?"
She studies his face, quickly return her attention to his question. "Oh, no, I'm fine with the wine. I'm not drinking much tonight. Are you going to the bar?"
He nods. "I'm going to get Hayato, Tazaki-sensei and Haruki each a drink."
"Ahh, okay. I'll see you in a few minutes."
With a smile on his face, he tentatively leans even closer and places a gentle kiss on her cheek before standing up and walking over to the bar.
Cheeks reddening, she attempts to cover them up with her jumper sleeve, failing miserably as Nico gains her attention.
"You've not drunk that much yet, have you, Chiyo? You're just as red in the face as last time." He jokes.
She makes a face at him. "Don't remind me."
Yuki smirks. "If I can recall, this last time we all drank together, Chiyo started blabbering French to us all. It was very entertaining."
Hisa interjects, leaning across Chiyo. "Really? My god, she must have been really smashed. Did she say things like, 'santé' and 'C'est des conneries'?"
A look of vague recognition washes over his face. "That sounds about right. At one point we even had to give her more drink just so she'd stop rambling."
Chiyo shakes her head, pursing her lips. "Jeez, thanks, Yuki."
"When we were drinking once, Chiyo," Hisa starts but breaks out into a fit of laughter. "She actually-- she recited a whole French nursery rhyme. What was it?"
"The nursery rhyme?" She sighs. "It was 'Ah les Crocrocro'..."
Hisa leans closer, a wide grin on her face and a glimmer of cheekiness in her eyes. "And what is it about?"
Chiyo huffs, pushing the hair out of her face. "It's about a crocodile going to war with an elephant..."
"What?" Nico huffs a laugh. "That's crazy."
"Hey! It's a catchy rhyme." Chiyo frowns.
Hisa sips her drink, raising her eyebrows. "Oh yeah? How about you sing it?"
She opens her mouth to answer but shoves her sister away, who bursts out laughing.
"What's going on?" Hayato questions from next to Hisa.
"They're talking about Chiyo being drunk," Kakeru tells him from the seat next to Haiji's.
Hayato quickly pushes a shot over to her. "Oh, nice! She's the best when she's drunk. Come on, Chiyo!"

At the Finish Line [Haiji Kiyose] - Run With the Wind
FanfikceWith Haiji Kiyose in his final year of University, it's his last chance to run in the Hakone Ekiden. Luckily, it doesn't take him too long to convince the other nine occupants of Aotake to participate and training is quickly under way. What he does...