twenty-eight - "last stretch"

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Tugging her coat hood over her head, Chiyo holds a hand out, feeling the rain start to fall gently. She places her hands in her pockets, looking at Haiji as he stands in front of the group.

"I know it seems a lot different seeing the start of the course now compared to me just telling you, but don't panic." Haiji begins. "We've not got good weather conditions and it's our first time racing this far as a team so keep a cool head and run at your own pace. Kakeru and I will be further upfront and I'll be giving signals until the turn around point. Stay together when you can and keep your pace."

They nod in agreement, everyone's nerves bubbling to the surface.

From behind Chiyo and stood with Haruki filming, Hayato whispers to her. "They're all pretty nervous, aren't they?"

She nods in response, looking up at the sky as the rain continues to fall onto the racecourse.

Haiji lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad though."

"What do you mean, Haiji?" Musa asks him.

"I'm glad we're all here together," He says, looking between each of the guys. "All our work will have paid off, I know it."

Yuki grins. "Don't get all sentimental now, Haiji."

"At least with the rain, people won't be able to tell you're crying." Nico jokingly nudges Yuki, who sends him a glare.

Chiyo looks down at her phone. "You'll be starting soon, I'd better go back to Hana and the others. Good luck everyone, we'll see you at the finish line."

They send her nods and thank her before she turns to Haiji, a smile on her face.

"I bet you're excited."

He shrugs. "Excited and nervous."

She laughs softly. "You've waited a long time for this. Good luck, Haiji."

"I'll see you at the finish line, Chiyo."

Placing a kiss on his cheek, she waves him goodbye, walking back to their group with Hayato and Haruki following behind.

Weaving their way through the crowds of people ready to watch the race, the three make it back to Hisa, Hana, her father and various shopping vendors who decided to show their support.

"How are they?" Hana asks.

"They're alright, I think," Chiyo says. "Nervous, but that's to be expected."

Hisa looks between the two girls. "I'm still a little confused about the run times and everything. What should they be aiming for?"

"If they can run under 10:12:00 then they'll qualify securely," Hana tells her.

"So just over an hour per person, but that's give or take," Chiyo adds.

"And how many km is it?" Hisa asks.


Chiyo nods at Hana. "They want to run an average of 3 minutes per km."

Hisa's eyes widen and she tugs her coat tighter around her body. "Jeez, that's fast, isn't it?"

Chiyo shrugs. "Haiji said that's just the level of the race. I'm sure it gets slightly faster each year."

"I think they're about to start." Hayato interrupts the girls and they turn their attention to the large screen close by, showing all the Universities lined up together.

As her little sister exhales deeply, Hisa glances in her direction, an overwhelming feeling of warmth and concern for her. She grabs hold of Chiyo's hand, squeezing tightly and sending her a smile.

At the Finish Line [Haiji Kiyose] - Run With the WindWhere stories live. Discover now