38. Mint

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38. Mint


Kurahashi had a box held out in his face. "Yes!" she says, "we decided we would call everyone by nicknames today. By the way, mine is Fluffy Stag Beetle."

Fluffy Stag Beetle-- wait, why Fluffy? Ah, because she's the Yurufuwa character of the class, huh. Makes sense.

Nao eyed the box warily. If the student came up with the names, he truthfully feared what he might find inside. "I just have to draw one, right?"


Nao stared at the box with dread, and reached in with fervent prayers that it wouldn't be as terrible as Irina's.


"I swear to everything high and holy, if I find out who wrote it..."

Nao buried his face into his hands, trying to hide his fervently reddening cheeks. Seriously, this was so embarrassing. Everything outside the mountain must never know of this.

"Not telling!" Nakamura (English Lass) grinned, "can we continue class now, Teddy Daddy? Pretty please, Teddy Daddy?" saying it twice because she's obnoxious.

"Yeah, Teddy Daddy, I'm falling asleep here," Terasaka (I can't believe it's not Takaoka) raised his voice almost jeeringly, because bullying is his special skill and he loves to make use of it sometimes.

"Heyy, Teddy Daddy," Karma (Eternal Eighth Grader) called out, "show some class spirit!"

"Teddy Daddy, can we skip the homework today?" Isogai (President Poverty) joined in, just for the sake of it. "I have a long shift after this."

"Teddy Daddy," said Itona (Picture Book Graduate), then he made a retching noise, "no."

"Haha, take your time," Mimura (Director Mushroom) assured him.

"You don't have to say it every sentence!" Nao (Teddy Daddy) yelled, flustered. "Oh fuck, it's beside my name in the narration, too. I might kill someone."

"Gotta make that word count somehow," Kataoka (Dignified Didact) relented.

All of them are absolutely doing this on purpose and he's livid. He slammed his hands against the table and tried to look mad, but he was on the verge of laughter himself.

"To begin with, there's plenty of ways to put those two meanings together in a nickname that sounds better... like Papa Bear or something..." he muttered, knowing the effort was in vain.

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