45. Meanings

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45. Meanings

"Good morning, Kunomasu-sensei!" Korosensei cheered, and Naomasa walked right into a whirlwind of warmth, there's suddenly a mug of coffee in his hand, and his jacket and scarf just vanished in lieu of a warmed blanket. "The weather out there certainly is getting colder, isn't it?"

"...Ah," was all Nao could say for a while.

"Please, please– do sit down!" he daintily pulls out Nao's chair, ushering him into his seat with all the grace of a very meek mother.

"You're currying favour. What do you want?"

Korosensei immediately crumbled, sprawling onto the ground right before Nao, "ehhh, you see, Kunomasu-sensei, uh, I was just thinking, you know... that like," Korosensei wriggled his fingers nervously like a school girl, "I was thinking we could cut down your classes another smidge, or something, yeah—AAAHH don't glare at me like that I'm sorry! I remember what you did to the last person that took your class time away! Spare me! Anything but my job!"

Nao turned away, trying his best to not murder the octopus with a look.

"Just explain," he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. It's so close to the final exams, and it's Korosensei– so evidently, he's got a plan.

"Ah, yes," Korosensei is somehow in a dogeza now, chastised. "Here is the schedule I have planned for today. As you can see, our roles today are mostly moved to supervision than actual teaching."

A single tentacle brought over a hand-drawn class schedule, and Nao looked through it. The decrease in training and home ec in lieu of more subject classes was expected, but the amount was not.

"You want the students to tutor each other?" he understood after looking through the next week's schedule as well.

"Yes," Korosensei said, cheerful. And suddenly there was a stack of papers on Nao's desk. "I've delegated each student their schedules, based on who's teaching when and learning when. Down to the hour, and we'll use the whole satellite campus as study areas. It's like college!"

"How so? Ah, in the moving around part?"

There were stakes on the ground indicating class numbers for a set area, complete with chalkboards, mats, and sometimes desks. Their main disadvantage in this campus was how little classrooms they had– but if they used the outside as well, there was plenty of space.

Well, they could certainly learn more from each other than from the same teachers all the time. It's Korosensei's idea, so it's not like he doubted his capabilities.

"It's fine, then," Nao told him. "You didn't need to be so nervous, I'm a reasonable person."

Korosensei chuckled. "Well yes, but seeing what happened to the last person that cut down your class time, I'm just... you see, taking precautions."

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