37. Middleman

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AN: Do you know what's coming? Codenames time is coming! so here I'm asking-- what are yall's suggestions on Kuma-sensei's codename? No guarantees I'll use any specific suggestion, of course. Can't please everyone, unfortunately. 

But I'd appreciate to hear you guys' opinions on it! :) 

But I'd appreciate to hear you guys' opinions on it! :) 

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37. Middleman

To: Me

From: Asano-san

Investigate this.


It's a picture of the very same news article the students are currently making a whole fuss about-- rumours of a notorious yellow-headed, tentacle-ridden, perverted underwear thief.

"Nah, that's too many adjectives," he muttered, frowning, "what was the journalist thinking? That's a terrible sentence. Were the editors blind? How did this get past the drafting stage?"

...is probably not the investigation Asano wants, but he'll send it as a joke.

(Quickly followed up by the actual explanation, of course.)

He's in the midst of choosing between two of the more obnoxious-looking kaomoji on his keyboard when he looked up to see Karasuma scowling at him.

"I'm surprised you can still send texts like those when he terrified you so much," the government agent points out, evidently displeased when Nao only squeaks in surprise, immediately removing his phone from sight so Karasuma couldn't look again.

His point still stood however.

Nao recomposed himself, clearing his throat. "It's a different matter when I don't have to actually face him," he said. "It's hard to express tone in text, after all. Even if he says something scary, I can pretend the tone did not come across well and Asano will awkwardly have to explain himself. That is fun."

"That is mental torment," Irina's reply was instantaneous. Nao had no idea she was even in the room. "Imagine how many times that was pulled on me when I tried to get out of work from Lovro-sensei."

Nao stared at her in bewilderment "Did you try to flirt or something?"

Karasuma cleared his throat, "as professional as the Board Chairman is, I can't imagine that working on him often. Or at all."

To that, Nao chortled nervously. "Yeah..." he admitted, "Sometimes he just tells me to contact him again when I'm significantly more lucid."

Which is honestly just corporate tongue for 'if you don't want to lose your head (not your job, no,) you should apologize right now so we can get back on track'.

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