46. Richness

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46. Richness

"...and so, we went to court to file our cases together," Gakushuu said. "The judge gave us a very disapproving look and suggested counselling instead."

Nao couldn't exactly enjoy his tea right now. "You Asano family sure have a weird way of bonding as a family." Who the hell says we went to file lawsuits against each other in the same tone as would a parent and child going for a haircut together?

Gakushuu shrugged. "It's how we've always been."

Nao chortled.

The last event of the Kunugigaoka school year, after the final exams, was the School Drama Festival. Nao sat by the corner of the hall, eating his lunch as Gakushuu caught him up with what went on after the whole incident.

(Nao took a trip to the hospital, but he came out of it with little to say for it other than his old problems. Seems the progress of his illness has inched a little further forward, but hey, an unknown deadline is still unknown even if you run toward it.)

(His arm didn't break, surprisingly, but it was very close. There was a very deep bruise upon it, as the bone bent. But it was fine.)

It seems like the Board Chairman's narrative arc has come to a close.

All that's left are entrance exams, the matter with Shiro, and then the final assassination itself. It felt like time flew by.

"I have to go," Gakushuu said, when the Virtuosos waved him over. It's almost time for Class A's performance. "Please don't talk to my father if he comes over. Please don't," he looked entirely serious, eyes full of genuine concern. "You hear me, Kuma-sensei? I'm still in the process of getting a warrant for him if he touches you ever again."

"I'll try," Nao waved, "good luck on your end. And please don't arrest your father, I have a feeling the government has their hands full with the moon incident."

"I don't care, it's their job."

"Well then, do it for me?" Nao pleaded.

Gakushuu faltered, looking away, "...that will depend."

Gakushuu left systematically, the committee meeting him with paperwork and reports of how things are going. He's a very hardworking child, and Nao thought that was really amazing. Not for the first time, he wondered if he was truly a junior high schooler.

He leaned against the table, smiling warmly.

If no one else, he's assured that Gakushuu will go on to become a great adult.


"So..." he hummed. "Are you actually going to come sit with me, or are you content just standing there and staring like the evil mastermind you no longer are?"

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