20. Check

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20. Check

"...and isn't it about time you woke up from that?" Irina groaned, the rubber knife she tossed aside landing in the teacher's lap.

She snapped at the octopus, huffing in resignation at another failed attempt. Swearing at the top of her lungs, she stomped right out.

Nao eyed the rubber knife in his lap, and moved the open magazine away from his eyes as he murmured a sleepy good morning, trying to understand sunlight and its reason for being. He didn't get an answer.

"Well, she's certainly on edge today," Korosensei simply observed, sipping on some Japanese tea from a traditional cup, wearing traditional clothes, for no reason.

"Just who's fault do you think that is?" Karasuma couldn't resist the stately retort at the Octopus' fake oblivion--

Nao sighed, "Mr Octopus--"

"Call me 'Korosensei' already!"

"Sir," Nao defied, rolling over to face them, "she's a woman, y'know? Be nicer."

"I'm always nice to her," Korosensei huffed, dissatisfied from the accusation. "Don't look at me like that!" Korosensei whined, "you're scary when you're tired, Kunomasu-sensei!"

Nao glared at the octopus sternly, his eyes narrowed and dim on a serious note. A silent stare shot right out of exhaustion more than actual anger-- but it did its job.

Nao swiftly turned his attention away from the cosplay freak-- "anyways, Mr Karasuma, I think you should go after her."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well," Nao lolled his head around the armrest uncomfortably, "someone infiltrated campus grounds, so she's in danger."

"Someone just-- is it another assassin? she can handle herself--" Karasuma raised an eyebrow, "wait, how do you even know that?"

Nao groaned, because I watched the anime, he couldn't say. "I hear tapping," he spruced up some random excuse, "of those dumb dress shoes only you wear because you're a lunatic in the rainy season-- I wear sneakers by the way--and you're not walking, so,"

"Get to the point," Karasuma rolled his eyes.

"Someone, a man probably, other than you," Nao grumbled, "is walking around campus grounds. I think we should be worried... right?"

"Now that you've said it--" Korosensei sniffed the air-- he probably didn't need to make that dog-nosing-around motion to smell, Nao grumbled-- and turned a little purple, "a smell of death has been wandering around."

Karasuma sighed, "if it's just an assassin, Irina should be able to handle herse--"

"Just go already, you droopy Doberman!" Nao snapped, chucking a pillow in his direction. "The kids are out, so stalk her, get a drink, keep watch on her, you asshole!"

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