44. Progress

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44. Progress

The cultural festival came and went.

Halfway through it, Kurahashi came by to beg for a headpat, because some creepy motherhecker was being a creepy motherhecker. Thankfully, creep-annihilator on duty, Hayami, sniped him with a countermeasure.

("How long did it take for you guys to make... whatever that is... smell and look exactly like bird poop?")

(Okuda smiled, holding up a flask of something, "not very long!")

Then a little after that, Nagisa came to seek solace, and Nakamura was around, begging for his forgiveness.

("Well, we can't use the 'eye for an eye' tactic here," Nao surmised, trying to decide on the punishment. "How about Nakamura, put on full makeup and wear a dress?")

(Nakamura recoiled, "anything but that! Please!")

(Irina Jelavic, overhearing the scene, immediately took action. When someone called out a tone of concern, she hollered back. "Don't worry, I won't put her in anything provocative. Tomboys like her look best in modest dresses!")

They got very unexpected visits as well. Red Eye the sniper brought a pheasant, an honest to god pheasant, and Lovro came by to greet everyone and assure them he's still alive.

("I must say. You are a rather unsuspecting man, Kunomasu," Lovro turned to Nao. "I did not expect such an interesting secret from you.")

("It's not a secret, I'm not related to whatever it is you're talking about, and I have nothing to do with anything! I don't know what you're talking about!" Nao yelled, covering his ears in denial.)

(Karasuma simply hummed, providing an ample observation. "You can tell he's flustered when he doesn't notice himself contradicting his own words multiple times in the same sentence.")

(Lovro nodded. "I figured that was the case.")

(Karasuma then turned to Lovro. "But what is it you were saying about him?")

(Lovro chuckled. "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that, Mister Karasuma. My apologies, do understand.")

(And then Karasuma will silently watch him leave, baffled. "...did he just pull the Omerta on me? For Kunomasu?")

And then Nagisa's mother came by. So after she talked with her son, Nao went over to greet her, if only to apologize for not being able to make it on their previous meeting.

("It's fine," she said, looking forlornly toward her own son, as he hurried back toward the classroom, being handed a broom while Sugino ruffled his head endearingly. "I learned a lot, and there's only so much more I have to learn from here.")

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