Chapter 13 February 14

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On the other side of the world in San Jose, Martin Brodeur is at Antti's house on his computer, trying to get in contact with Jonathan. So far, he is having a very difficult time.
Martin presses on some buttons on the keyboard multiple times. "Ugh...come on, Nemo... If you begged me to do this, it would be nice if you at least made it easy to contact Jonny..." The screen shows that the call was lost. "Wha?! Lost!? Grrr..." He presses the enter button many times. The screen shows that the call was now disconnected. "Disconnected?! What the--- Ugh!" Martin tries a couple more times, but he just gets the same results. "Yoooooooooou gotta be kidding me! Who's in the States that's in the GHP that I can talk to on the phone?" He finds the GHP roster on the computer. "Ah ha! Pekka! I shall call him!" Martin pulls out his phone and calls him.
Pekka picks up the phone and says weakly, "Heeel-hello?"
"Hey, Pekka!" Martin greets back more lively. "How are you?"
"Not to well..."
"I see that you got your English back!"
"Yea... Carey was the one that made me not speak nor understand English; he used his telepathy on me..."
"Good, good!" Martin pauses. "I meant that that's good that you have your English back, not that Carey used his powers on you. But do you know what happened to Jonny's connection? I can't get a hold of him for some reason."
"I don't know...I hadn't been at my house for months..."
Martin's blue eyes widen. "MONTH'S?! Why?!"
"I'm injured," Pekka replied flatly.
"Oh. I didn't know that. Since when?"
"Since October?! Dude! How long does it take for you to recover?!"
"Well, I had surgery and that went well until I got an infection. So now I'm not recovering from that injury, but from some stupid infection," Pekka explains.
"What did you injured?"
"My hip."
Martin chuckles. "Well, look at that! You injured your hip, yet you don't even have gray hair!" Pekka doesn't say anything on the other end. "So, you have no idea about Antti?"
"Nope. Just that he's in Sochi."
"Oh...okay then, who is left here that is in the GHP?"
"I don't know. You have all the stuff right there, right?"
"Yea, that's true. I shall leave you, then. Hope you get better! Bye."
"Thanks. Bye." Pekka hangs up.
Martin also hangs up and places his phone on the desk. He sighs. "Oh gosh, now what?"

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