Chapter 24 February 22

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The next day in the EFP HQs, the good guys are still sitting in their own cells, doing nothing.
"It has never taken this long for my guys to save me, dude," Patrick randomly says.
"Maybe they forgot about you," Jay guesses. "Too busy getting the medal."
"Oh man, I hope not...."
Meanwhile on the other side of the HQs...
Aaron runs up to Peyton, who is sitting on his chair in the main room, reading the newspaper. "Master, Master!"
Peyton doesn't look up. "Yes...Aaron?"
"Did you hear? USA got disqualified from the medal matches!"
Peyton puts down his newspaper with super wide eyes. "WHAAAAAAAA?!" He looks around hesitantly. "DREEEEEW BREEEEEEEES!!!"
Drew runs in stumbling on the rugs. "Y-yes?"
"What the heck happened?!" Peyton roars.
"Well, after you found El Choowe in the Canadian cabins and you gave it to me so that I can report the Canadians about using it as a lucky charm and all that stuff so that the Canadians could be disqualified...well, I guess the Canadians found out and complained and...they told the Olympic committee about USA also having it and USA also got disqualified so can be fair, since they had it and--"
"This. Is. Not. Going. To. Slide. By. ME!" Peyton interrupts harshly. "Go and get USA back on their skates!" He points to the door.
"Right on it!" Drew salutes and runs out of the HQs.
Peyton sighs and slumps on this chair. "Oh my... Aaron, you can go." He waves his hand in the air, motioning Aaron to leave.
"Yay, now I can continue making my cheesy cheese sauce!" Aaron runs into the kitchen
Peyton looks at El Choowe, who was snoozing on the red rug and chewing the golden end of it. "El Choowe!" El Choowe startles and bit and blinks, looking up at its owner with big eyes. "Go guard duck man."
El Choowe makes some noises as it is getting up. It clumsily walks out of the HQs, bumping its head into walls, tables, chairs, and the door a few times.
Peyton closes his eyes. "Don't worry, Manning...everything'll be--" A huge BAM! interrupts his sentence. "What was that?!" Peyton jumps up from his chair and speeds over the the jail room.
The room was practically destroyed with the ceiling and two walls missing and crushed metal bars spilled on the dusty, rocky ground. There was no one in sight.
"NOOOOOO!!! Guys!" Peyton bellows. "ALL YA GUYS! TRACK 'EM DOWN!!!" He teleports out of the HQs.

Meanwhile many yards away from the HQs, the runaway good guys are walking towards the Olympic area where all the events are held.
"Yeaaaa!!!" Patrick runs around the grassy hills like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. "Finally, back outside, duuuuuuuude!"
"We have about 30 minutes 'til we have to get to our events," Philip reports, looking at his watch.
"I have to get back to my friends, man!" Patrick exclaims, stopping for a moment.
"Alrightie then, see you tonight at McMoose's?" Philip places his hand on Patrick's shoulder.
"Yea, dude. Thanks for everything, especially helping us escape, man." Patrick looks at Victor.
"Sorry about the delay in escaping--I just realized that I was able to grow big," Victor chuckles.
"Stop right there!" Colin yells from behind.
They turn around, facing the bad guys.
"Wait, but we have some events to get to!" Joe exclaims.
Michael gasps. "That's right!"
"You don't wanna lose now, right?" Jay crosses his arms.
Peyton steps closer to Philip. "Rivers, we shall settle this later."
"At McMoose's?" Philip asks.
"Heck no, not at a restaurant--out here, where we can fight."
" you want to fight, not talk! Gawh-lee, why didn't you just say so before?"
"Sorry. I shall see you tonight at sun See you later." Peyton teleports him and his guys back to the HQs.

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