Chapter 20 February 20

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That night at the Olympic cafeteria, some the GFP are sitting together at their own table when Joe and Tony come in with food from McMoose's.
"Food!" Tony plops two trays of food on the table.
"Finally, it's about time!" Jay snatches a hamburger and takes a bite of it.
"How was Romo, Joe?" Philip Rivers, the Master of the GFP, asks Joe. He slurps on a milkshake Joe sets down.
"Interesting." Joe sits down and takes a bit of an apple slice.
Victor Cruz looks at the trays, searching for something among them. "Where's the salsa?"
"Heh, heh." Tony slowly pushes a bowl of salsa he was hiding to Victor.
"Thanks, Romo!" Victor grabs the bowl and pulls out a bag of tortilla chips; he begins eating and bobbing his head up and down a bit.
"Okay, guy, now that we have some decent food here, let's get down to business!" Philip exclaims.
There was silence for a moment.
Andrew taps Philips shoulder. "Where are we?"
Philip sighs. "Gawh-lee, Luck! Can't you get a GPS?"
Andrew taps Philip again. "What's a GPS?"
"GPS: Go Punch Someone." Jay smirks at his joke. Everyone gawks at him. "Wha? That's what it means!"
"Nuh-uh, it means Go Play Salsa," Victor corrects.
"No, no, no! Great Ponies Score!" Tony says.
"Griffin's Playing Stinks," Joe adds in.
"Whaaa?" Andrew makes a confused look.
"Okay, guys, let's get back to--"
"Great Philip Scores!" Victor cuts into Philip's sentence.
Philip groans. "Gawh-lee, guys! Can't you listen to me?!" He bangs his plastic fork on the table's edge.
Everyone looks at him.
"You tap a spoon on a cup, not bang a fork on the table," Jay tells his Master.
"Whatever, whatever! So, Joe, how's my favorite quarterback doing so far, hm?" Philip smiles at Joe.
"Not so well... His only hope is doing his best at the rest of the events."
"All that's left is short track 500 meters, slalom for alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsledding, parallel slalom for snowboarding, speed skating pursuit, cross-country, and hockey!"
"Curling!" Tony pipes.
"Oh yea, and curling."
"Done, done!" Tony smiles.
Philip looks down at Tony. "What are you done doing?"
"Done with skating!" Tony smiles even more.
"That's right!"
"So we just let the Canadians keep that pony of Manning's and hope that he and his crew don't do anything supernatural?" Victor asks Philip.
"Yup! And we have to continue doing our best to let the other countries grab the medals. Let's be fair now, shall we?"
"But what if I want USA to win gold for hockey?" Jay asks.
"No one has control over hockey--only the players," Philip tells Jay.
"And don't forget about that pony," Joe adds in.

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