Dex Dizznee

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Dex opened his eyes to a very bright light. He closed his eyes again and groaned. He heard footsteps rushing to the cot that he was on.

"Dex, can you hear me?" Asked a male voice. Dex gave a small, weak nod, hoping the person saw it.

Luckily, they did. "Good. Sorry to ask you to do this, but I need you to open your eyes for me."

Groaning, he opened his eyes. His eyesight was blurry, so he couldn't make out the male. A blaring pain crashed in his mind, making him clutch his head.

"You lost a lot of blood, so you would have a headache. Here, take this." The person gave him a bottle filled with fluorescent green liquid.

Dex drowned the elixir then gagged as the bad taste stuck to his taste buds. His sight cleared, and he was met with a wild dark haired male with grey-blue eyes behind his huge, iridescent spectacles.

"Elwin?" Dex whispered, his throat sore.

"Physic had to go get stuff, so I'm in charge of you." He said, grinning.

Just then, the door burst, and a frantic blonde haired girl rushed inside. She went straight to Dex's cot.

"Dex! Are you ok? What happened?" Sophie started interrogating Dex.

"I'm fine, cuz. It's ok. I just got stabbed twice. It-"

"TWICE!" Sophie screamed. She then turned to Elwin. "He got stabbed twice?"

Elwin nodded slowly. She turned back to Dex. "You are on bed rest for a month."


"I agree with Sophie." A voice said from the doorway.

The three of them turned to see the collective standing in the doorway. Squall, being the one who spoke, said, "You've been stabbed twice, Dex. You need to settle down. A month of bed rest should do the trick."

The collective walked in and created a semi-circle around Dex's cot, cutting off Sophie and Elwin. The door burst open again and a blur of dark brown hair and sparkly jewels came into Dex's vision. Livvy started pouring elixir after elixir down his throat.

He didn't realize the rest of his friends came in after Livvy, but he did know his girlfriend hugged him so hard, he could barely breathe. That, and the fact that she was squeezing him where he was stabbed.

After a bunch of 'How are you?'s', Forkle clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "We have a new mission."

Lots of confused glances were passed between them. Except for Sophie and Prince Keefe. Sophie looked deathly pale, Keefe looking mildly disgusted.

"Sophie's sister has gone missing, as well as her human parents. I have reason to believe that the Neverseen is to blame for."

Gasps could be heard from around the room. Forkle continued. "They left this note on my desk at scho-"

"WHAT!" Sophie yelled, glaring at Forkle. "You had a note and didn't tell me until now?"

Dex could see Forkle visibly swallow. Everyone knew not to get Sophie pissed. She could very easily kill someone before they could blink.

"I was going to tell you all at the same time." Forkle defended himself. Though it didn't help that Keefe visibly paled.

Sophie turned her deathly glare on Keefe, who seemed to withered from it.

"He told you, didn't he?" Her terrifyingly calm voice cutting through the air.

Her glare intensified when he slowly nodded, probably scared for his own life.

"Can you show us the note before Sophie kills the both of you?" Dex suggested, delaying the guilty charges' death.

Forkle nodded, slipping his hand in his pocket and brought out a folded piece of paper. He passed it around, handing it to Sophie first. Her face went through multiple emotions. Couristy. Fear. Anger. Frustration. But one emotion locked on her face. A terrifying emotion coming from Sophie.


When the note got passed to Biana, Forkle gripped her shoulder. He whispered in her ear, a look of annoyance and exasperation clear on her face. She shrugged off his hand.

When the note reached Dex, he carefully scanned over the paper.

(In case you forgot, which wouldn't be far-fetched considering I haven't updated in a while, here's the note:)

You have something we want

If you give it to us

We'll get rid of the family

Meet us where it all begun

Hope you come, Forkle-poo

Dex stared at the letter. When he passed it to Angel, his mind was reeling with questions. What did they mean by "Where it all begun?" Where was it? What will the Neverseen do to Sophie if they get her? Is her human family OK?

When Dex finally zoned back in, he heard Wylie state, "You guys better start running if you want to roam the earth still."

"She wouldn't kill me, she loves me!" Keefe assured, slinging his arm around her shoulder.

"I wouldn't kill Forkle, but you could have his death wish." Sophie said, smirking at Keefe.

Keefe's face was priceless.

"I'll give you five seconds to hide. One." As soon as she said it, Keefe was already down the hall.

" As soon as she said it, Keefe was already down the hall

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819 words

A/N: I am so so SO sorry for taking forever to update. Between school and personal plans, it has been hard. BUT, it is now Spring Break so I'll be writing a lot faster! :) Anyways, have an amazing day/night, my Lovlies!!

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