3- Silence

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Emma's POV

To be honest, I didn't think Luke would come to my house in the middle of the night because of some stupid nghtmare, but look at me now. Here I am laying here wiht him right next to me. He's rubbing my back like my mom used to do. It's almost soothing. I close my eyes to try to fall back asleep but I cant. I'm scared that I'm gonna slip into the same nightmare that haunts my sleep almost everyday.

I call what happened "The Accident", although it wasn't an accident. It was more of a choice or an occurance, but I think the accident sounds better. My life fucking sucks. I mean most teens say that their life sucks, but mine really does suck, and here's why. My mom gt really sick when I was 13. She had cancer, and she eventually slipped into a coma, and she died when I was 14 a year later. Things just started going downhill after that. My dad started spending more time at "work" so he was rearely ever home. If he was home he was either drunk or mute. Ever since my mom died, Kayla, is the closest thing I have to a mom. Even she doesn't really care about me most of the time tho. Although when she does care about me, shes actually really chill. When my mom died, she got really depressed and got this new boyfriend. He was in college and she was in hichschool, he was abusive which has caused her not to talk much ever since they were together.

I really only have two friends who really care about me. Milly and Luke. Milly and I have been friends ever since we were little. We took dance classes together and our moms became good friends, and I guess our friendship has never broken since. I met Luke shortly after the accident. I had more friends but after what happened, word got around about me adn I guess people weren't liking what they were hearing. I just became known as the weird girl. Every "friend" that I had just kind of disappeared out of my life. Going back to school just made everything worse.

*Flashback* (2 years ago)

First day back. I don't want to be here. I honestly think I might be sick. Oh wait, I can't get sick because if I do, a rumor will start that I'm annorexic. I hate this place.

I walk through the halls trying to keep my head down looking up every once and a while. People kept purposely running into me, and I could hear the names they were calling me. I try to fight back tears as I feel someone knock my books out of my hands. I look up to see Ashton. Oh Ashton Irwin. He thinks he's so fucking cool. As I look at him and his little friends, I see a tall blonde boy, and calum. What the hell? Calum? He just knocked my books out of my hands. Since when has he been a member of Ashton's cult. Shit I leave school for a month and a half and I miss a lot. Suddenly one of them decides to speak up.

"You shouldv'e done it you know." Ashton looks at me with a smirk. And que the tears.

"Dude" The blonde one nudges his arm giving hima sickening look.

"What you don't agree?" Ashton laughed.

"You're such a dick." he mumbled.

I didn't know what to say to that so I just turned around and walked away trying not to flood the hallway with my tears.

"Next time just go straight for bleach it will go faster that way!" Ashton yelled from behind me. I can hear him and calum laughing. What fucking douchebags. I open the closest door to me which just happened to be the janitors closet. Great. Now i get to cry in a room that smells like cleaning suplies. I sat for a while and just let all my tears out. Suddenly I hear the door knob twist. This is gonna be embarrasing. When the door opens, its the blonde boy. The one who was with Ashton. I try to hide my hideous Kim Kardashian crying face, because shit...he was actually pretty hot. To my surpise he comes in and sits next me me.

"Are you okay?" He says looking at me worried.

"Oh yeah I'm great.....Do I look okay?" I laughed.

"Fair enough. I'm Luke by the way." He smiled.

"I'm Emma."

"Hey um I'm sorry about that."

"Why are you apologizing? From what I saw, you were trying to get him to shut up." I smiled.

"Well I apologize anyway. God Ash is such as asshole."

"Wow. quite the shit talker you are. I thought you were friends."

"Yes but you thought. His dad and mine work together so were a kind of forced to hangout wiht eachother." I nod. That makes sence. Luke seems cool. Unlike Ashton. I don't really know wat to say, because I'm scared that if I open my mouth to speak, I'm gonna embarrass myself. So we just sit in silence for about five minutes.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asks.

"Oh you don't have to, I mean unless you want which in that case then yo-"

"I want to." He smiled.

"Well then thank you" I smile as he helps me up.

*End of Flashback*

I could tell Luke was crying because I kept hearing him sniff and then he would wipe his eyes. I knew he was worried about me but I didn't want him to be. That just stresses him out and I dont want him stressed.

"Hey. I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I say turning around and cuddling into him. He nods and wraps his arm around me. wiping another tear off his cheek. Here we are laying together. In silence. It's nice...I like it.


So i decided to change the name to Emma. Sorry about the multiple name changes but this one is final.  guys I'm getting really excited about this story. My friend is giving me amazing ideas and they are really good! By the way there is a picture of milly with this chapter. love you :)

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