Coach Bombay

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"Guy over here im open, quickly pass me the puck" Adira calls out and Guy struggles for a moment and then quickly passes the puck to her, though it didn't make it all the way she quickly skated forward and then took the puck and skated up to the other side of the rink towards the other teams goals and then hit it towards the goal, successfully and easily getting it past Goldberg and into the goal "thanks Goldberg" she called out with a grin and he glared over at her

Charlie, Averman, Connie, guy and Jesse all cheer as there team gets a goal, "and the amazing adira gets another goal for the team, what a show out here today folks" Averman commentates and Adira and Guy high five and then the other team quickly takes the puck but then everyone begins to trip over each other, just like usual

"Okay Terry, hop up the front and start firing at the Goals, Goldberg try and defend them okay" Adira instructs her teammates, trying to get Goldberg to improve at being a goalie. They listen and then everyone else starts to skate around, constantly bumping into each other and a lot of them began tripping over each other and falling onto the ground

Adira and Charlie skate over to Goldberg and both of them get ready to hit a puck and then quickly shoot it towards the goal and adira wacked it, sending it flying right into the goal

"Hey come on man you almost hit me again" Goldberg complained to adira "I'm not a target" Adira couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance as she looked over at their goal keeper

"Goldberg you're the goalie, it's supposed to hit you," Charlie says and Terry and Adira snicker from next to Charlie

"Does that sound stupid to anyone else?" Goldberg asks around but everyone ignores him, used to his common anod useless complaining. Suddenly a limo begins to drive out onto the ice kids were kick to assume that whoever was in it was a drug dealer or something like that, but adira and Jesse rolled their eyes at their guess

"Seriously guys?" Adira asked with a scoff and then her and Jesse began walking straight up to the limo with all of the others trailing behind them

"You guys don't know what you are doing" Peter tells them, obvious fear in his voice, but he kept a straight face on, trying to look tough in front of his friends just like he always did "we'll get in big trouble"

"You all chill alright, we'll take care of it" Jesse says with a sly grin on his face

"They're drug, I just know it" Karp muttered to all of them

Finally the door of the limo opens and a man In a suit steps out of the vehicle and stands infront of the small hockey team

"Yo dude. You obviously in the wrong hood. This is my dominion" Jesse says and Adira rolls her eyes at him "this is a drug free zone do you understand?"

"I told you idiots that he isn't a drug dealer" adira said and rolled her eyes

"You don't know what you're talking about girl" Jesse said and then turned back to look at the man in front of them and adira rolled her eyes at him "we ain't buying nothing. I'm feeling generous today. So I'm gonna let you get your sorry vanilla bootie outta here before we be using your eyeballs as hockey pucks" all the hockey players begin laughing except for adira who was now in an annoyed mood

"Thanks bro, but I'm not going home until I take care of business" the man said and all the kids stopped laughing and looked up at the man in fear as he dug his hand into his jacket

Adira quickly stood infront of all her friends as they stood back in fear "he's got a gun" multiple of them called and Charlie quickly grabbed the girls wrist and pulled her back behind him and then the man pulls a piece of paper out and Charlie lets out a sigh of relief

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