Adam Banks

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The team were all mucking around and getting ready, laughing at what the other was saying and making jokeds, but suddenly the door to the locker room opened and everyone went silent, already having a good idea who was about to walk into the room. Adam Banks walked in, a Hawks bag over his shoulder and a hockey stick in his hand, he looked severely uncomfortable and even slightly sad

The team stood up and all looked at Adam intimidatingly and then coach walked in behind Adam and pat the boy on the back "hey. Wasn't sure if you would show up" Bombay says and gives the boy a grin, though the boy doesnt smile back, instead he looked down at the ground awkwardly, not being able to speak

"yeah whatever, i just want to play hockey" adam mumbled out and then looked up and made eye contact with Adira, and somehow he instantly felt slightly better and he was sure that it had something to do with the small, beautiful smile that she was giving him that made butterflies fly around in his stomach

"good. Ducks, you all know Adam Banks" Bombay says and then finally looks up at the ducks and notices the way that they were all looking at Adam and he holds back an eyeroll and looks around at the team in annoyance at how they were acting

"On behalf of the Ducks, I'd like to say welcome" Charlie says and both he and Adira give Adam a small smile and go to shake the boys hand but then Jesse stands up and pushes both of them back slightly and glares over at Adam

"Cake eater" Jesse growls angirly. Adam felt anger rush through him as he watched the boy push Adira, he wanted to push him back and make him apologize to the girl, but he didnt move, he tried to move forward or say something to Jesse, but his body wouldnt allow him it were as if he were frozen and stuck to the floor

"Oh, the Jess-man dissin the new guy! the Jess-ster" Averman comments from behind them happily, clearly trying to defuse the tension 

"shut up Averman!" Jesse yells angrily, not even turning to look at him, instead he holds his glare on adam 

"No Jesse, i think that you should shut up!" Adira says angirly and steps forward to the boy and even though she was much shorter than him, she stood tall and proud, not backing away as Jesse also stood her up, glaring straight down at her

"oh yeah what are you gonna do about it, your all bark and no bite" Jesse growled in her face, though he knew that was far from true, he had seen her throw fists many times, and he knew she hit hard

"I can easily beat your ass in hockey just like i can easily beat your ass right here" She scoffed angrily, still not backing down from the boy "Don't talk to my friends like that or you are going to get one big rude awakening and not to mention a busted lip" 

"alright, alright, break it up guys" Bombay said and Charlie stepped forwards and pulled the girl behind his body protectively, not likeing the way that Jesse was looking or talking to her

Jesse scoffed and then walked closer to Adam "putting on a ducks jersey doesn't mean you're a real duck" he then bumped his shoulder into Adam and went to leave the locker room

"putting on a big tuff voice doesnt mean your tuff either Jesse" Adira spat and Jesse glared at her and then stormed out of the locker room and then all of the ducks began to follow out after him, wanting to get onto the ice to train. Adira got a few comforting pat on the backs as the team walked past her but she didnt say anything, she just tried to calm herself down. 

Adira felt her heart hurt when she saw the way her team was looking at Adam as they passed him and the way hurt flashed in his eyes just before he looked at the ground. Adira stayed behind with the coach and Adam

"theyre a good group once you get to know them" Coach tells adam and then walks out of the room to get to the team, leaving Adam and Adira in the locker room by themselves, not even staying to make sure that the boy was okay

Cake Eater - Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now