Semi Finals and the Finals

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Adam flies up the rink as fast as he could, the puck was pressed up hard against his hockey stick, he aim for the goals and shot the puck and scored a goal for the ducks, the ducks were cheering loudly at their new team mate, throwing their hands up in the air in excitement. Adira skates over to him and then gives him a happy and proud pat on the back and grins widely at him. 

Then it starts again, Adira gets the puck, weaving through all of the players and ducking under them as they all attempted to stop the girl, she got past the defense and linde up her shot and then shoots the puck, getting it straight into the net. The crowd and the ducks cheered louder, the team skated up to her and threw their arms around the girl, hugging her happily and cheering loudly, they were in the lead. The ducks were all buzzing with excitement from the two goals but the hornets were taking this as a sign to become even more aggressive than they were already being

The Hornets continued to bump into and push the ducks as hard as they could, shoving them into the ground and pushing them into the walls or other players. The puck went back and forward between the two teams and the game continued to go on. Adam raced up the rink with three hornets on his tail, gaining speed. Adira quickly skated over to them and used all of her strength to push all three of the hornets out of the way, Adam quickly shot it, getting another goal for the team and Adam and Adira high five each other quickly before going back to their side so they could try and get another goal

"the ducks win it, 5-3 over the hornets" the game commentator yelled into the microphone and the players quickly skated over to the box, cheering loudly as they joined the rest of the team, the coach was cheering, a big proud smile on his face. "and now it is onto the semi-finals where the ducks will face the cardinals"

Adira and Adam had both scored 2 goals each and Averman had managed to score the last goal for the team and was now wearing an exceptionally proud smile on his face.

The ducks went back into the locker room to get changed so that they could go home, it was loud in the locker rooms at first since all of the team were in there, celebrating and talking about their win but then eventually, one by one, all of the players began to leave, and soon it was just Charlie, Adam and Adira who were still stoked about winning the game.

"we did it, we won!" Adira yelled happily and pulled Charlie into a large hug and the two of the jumped around excitedly, cheering. Adam tried to ignore the hurt feeling in his chest as he watched the two, he looked away from them and tried to black out the sound of their cheering from a few meters away and began to hastilly shove all of his gear into his bag.

Adira let go of Charlie as his mum came in and told him that it was time for them to leave "come on Charlie honey" she then looked over at Adira with a smile on her face "Great job out there honey, im sure your father would be proud" Adira thanked her with a fake smile on her face as she tried not to think about her father.

Charlie and his mum left and it was just Adam and Adira left in the locker room again. Adira shoved the rest of her stuff in her bag and then went over to Adam "good game out there cake eater" she told him with a wide smile "Ready for the Semi-finals?" he nodded his head but she looked at him in confusion, noticing that there was something wrong "Hey Adam, what wrong, did you get hurt?" she asked in worry and immediately began checking him over for any injuries

"no no, im fine, its just my dad isnt here" Adam said and the girls instantly looked upset as she looked down at the boy in sympathy, her dad had also not come to the game, but she was grateful for that. Adam noticed the sad look on the girls face and quickly started to speak up, "its alr-"

Cake Eater - Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now