The Hawks

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The district 5 pee wee hockey team watched as the hawks warmed up, they knew that they were going to loose this game, just like they lost every game, but they were used to it now that it didn't mean much anymore

McGill and Larson skated over to them "hey there girls" Larson commented with a big grin on his face and Karp jumped out to attack them but was quickly held back by a majority of the team

"Calm down Karp, save it for the game then show them whose the boss" adira commented and pats the boy on his back and then finally a few moments later, their coach comes down and joins them in the box

"Took him long enough" Adira mutters to Jesse under her breath and he nods his head, clearly just as annoyed as she was

The Hawks began chanting from next to them "win win win win win" Bombay looked over at them and then looked down at his team expectantly and began to copy what the hawks were doing but district five weren't going to do it, none of them joined in with their coach, all of them just gave him funny looks and eventually he gave up and looked around in embarrassment

"Yeah we are fired up, now lets get out there on the ice" Bombay said to them all. Adira went to pull her helmet over her head but Charlie grabbed onto her wrist quickly with a concerned look on his face and she already knew what it was going to be about, she had hoped that they would just ignore it by now, the bruise that was now surrounding her left eye was beginning to swell

"When are you going to tell me what's happening, you've been showing up with bruises a lot lately, I mean its always happened but its happening a lot more now" Charlie said and began to observe the bruise in pure worry, he reached up to her face but she pushed his hand away

"It's nothing Charles, its just from playing hockey" She lied easily though he knew she was lying, everyone did. It was always 'its from hockey' or 'it's from skateboarding' or 'I tripped over'

She didn't give him time to respond and pulled her helmet over her head and jumped over the barricade and onto the ice rink and then began skating around and quickly practising her stops before her and the rest of her team quickly formed a line and skated towards Goldberg and began to walk his legs with their hockey sticks as he cursed angrily at them. Charlie went last and accidentally tripped over Goldberg which only made the young goalie even more angry and Charlie quickly apologised

"Nice going fool" Goldberg yelled at him angrily

"Sorry I didn't mean to do that" Charlie quickly apologised again and Adira skated over quickly to see what was causing such a ruckus on the ice when they were about to begin the game

"Oh yeah 'I didn't mean to.' Yeah right" Goldberg yelled angrily and stuggled to pull himself back up

"Calm down Goldberg, it was just an accident" Adira ordered the goalie and Goldberg kept yelling at him so Charlie began to 'accidently' begin to walk him repetitively in the head with his hockey stick while continuing to apologise

The Ref walks out into the middle of the rink and holds the puck in the air and blows hard on his whistle "Lets go. Come on in"

Terry, Guy and Jesse went up the front and McGill instantly grinned at them before saying "What's this? The Oreo line?" His racist comment instantly annoyed Jesse as he lunged forward while Adira glared angrily at him from a few meters behind them. Guy held Jesse back and Adira grip tightened on her stick as she glared at the boy on the opposite team. Guys and McGill bent down and so did the Ref then the ref dropped the puck between the two boys and McGill quickly tripped over Guy and took the puck passed it over to Adam who gracefully took it and began skating down towards their goals the team all tried to stop Adam, all of them falling over except for Adira who was skating as fast as she could down to the goals and just as Adam shot it towards the goals she skated in front and grabbed it just before it flew past Goldberg. Bombays eyes widened in surprise and he let out a small cheer of excitement and astonishment

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