Met after six months

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Hey guys here I am with an another story...
Boboiboy is now 22 years old.
His team has ranked the Highest in TAPOPS so admiral gave them all a vacation for like two years.

Boboiboy's POV...
Tok aba is currently in home.He was so stressed lately so I thought it would be great if he go home. I don't agreed to sent tok alone so I sent ochobot with tok. And now I am the manager of the kokotiam for the whole day. I am alone here in pulau rintis.



Ying is currently in China with her mother for one month.
Fang is currently in his planet with his brother. It's good to think that finally he is with his family.
And Gopal goes to different countries to taste different food. He is currently in USA .
And Yaya. She, her mother and brother are with her father.
I couldn't see her like six months.

There is a sudden feeling whenever I began to think about yaya. Like my heart is beating so fast. My face is like burning whenever she touches me. Or there is a tint of blush on my cheek when I see her.

Can someone please tell me what is the feeling? Please.

And her smile. If I see her smile it's like her smile made my day. I really miss her. It's like six months since I met her. I really want to talk to her. To see her. To tell her my feelings.

I think people called this love.
If it is love. Then that means I love her.
I love Yaya. I have to tell her.

(A- good to think that this guy is really became an adult. Really!! I am happy for him that he finally realised this).
Author's POV..
Boboiboy is currently in the kokotiam. And the famous hero was in the shop means double load of customers from the morning so Boboiboy splited in to three earthquake, thunderstorm, and cyclone.
It's the evening . And time to close the shop. Just then a beautiful lady in light pink long sleeve dress ,brown leggings and deep pink hijab came to the kokotiam.
Boboiboy p.o.v
To day was many customers in the shop then other days. I thought it will be helpful if I splited in to three. So I splited into three and began to serv the customers. I am so tired. I put my hands on the table and my head on the hands then close my eyes.
Not until I hear a voice. A voice that I am familiar to.
"Good evening, can I have a special hot chocolate?" said the person.
"Sure" I said and turn around I couldn't see her face.
I began to make the hot chocolate.

"So, how are you doing Boboiboy?" She said.

Uhh how does she know me?
Ohhh I am a hero everyone knows me.

"Good. I am doing good. But may I know your name? I couldn't think I know you. BTW here is your drink" I said.

"What!! You don't know me. How can you forgot me?? I am one of your bestfriends" she said and pouted while stirring the drink.

Best friend. Like pink. Always wears a hijab... wait don't tell me that she is....

"Mimi... How are you?? I can't believe it's you!! We meet after a whole six months." I said I can't believe my eyes.

" First of all my name is YAYA YAH. Not Mimi. Y.A.Y.A Y.A.H . Second I am fine." She said a bit irritated and turn her frowning face other side.

What!!!! Oh no now she is mad! Why I am so dumb?!!

"S-so sorry Yaya. I was using my tripple split lately." I excused.
She turn to face me.
"Oh. I recognise now." She said and smiled.
A smile that is as bright as sun. My heart flutter."umm... Boboiboy may I ask where are tok aba and ochobot?"

"Sure. Tok was stressed lately so I sent him home with ochobot."

"Oh I see. You become a good and responsible grand son in these six months."she said in a teasing tone.

"Hey! What do you mean I am responsible from my childhood." I said and began to laughing. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked at me and accidently I mumbled "your giggling is pretty."

"Excuse me?" She said. I realised what did I said and instantly close my mouth with my two hands.


"No I heard. You have to tell me."

"No it's really nothing."

"Fine! If you don't want to tell me it means we are not friends anymore!!" She said and get up.

What!!? she is really mad. Now I have to tell her there is other way.

"What!? No wait...I mean wait I will tell you." I finally said which made her turn to me and sit down. She made a 'already-speak-it' face." Yaya.."


"Yes!!What is it??"I ask curiously.

"You don't change a bit."
What?? Is he seriously an adult man???

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you are still the good, caring, charming, beautiful, lovely lady infront of me. I can't think I can describe you. What word I use it would be less to describe you." He said. And I think I am now a blushing mess. I mean who wouldn't be a blushing mess if his/ her crush said something like that to him/ her.

"Thank you and you too. You don't change a bit. Still the selfless, caring, handsome, charming hero. That I know."

Author POV..
Boboiboy come out and stand infront of yaya. And hold her two hands.
And our yaya.... she is as red as a Tomato.

"Yaya. So I want to tell you that I love you with all my might. I know that you don't feel the same way. But I want to tell you-" Boboiboy couldn't finish his sentence as yaya hug him tightly. And said something that made his day.

"Oh... Boboiboy I LOVE YOU TOO!!!"

He hug her tightly too. They stayed like that for a moment. And pulled away. He kiss her forehead and said"so now let's go home it's getting late." She nodded.

Then Boboiboy closed the shop and they go Home side by side as they are neighbors. Yaya said good night to Boboiboy and walk to her door but she came back. And gave Boboiboy a light kiss on his lips. And run away. He needs some times to process what just happened then became red. And yelled....


"Hey stop yelling! What's your problem??!!" Someone said in the neighborhood.

"Oops! Sorry" and again said in a whisper "best day ever." And gone home while dancing.

Tok aba and ochobot couldn't prosses what happened to his grandson/ best friend.

The end.

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