Yara Azzam

482 19 8

It was... well past midnight when Boboiboy entered the apartment after doing his nightly patrol of the city.

You can say, for the hero of the whole universe, it is hard for him not to do his duty even when he is on a vacation of three months.

The place was pitch black and he assumed Yaya must have gone to bed and he didn't blame her.

Their daughter hadn't been sleeping well for a couple of days and Yaya being who she was, couldn't bear to be away from her child when she was having a bad time. He had offered to skip his patrol and stay for the night but Yaya insisted that everything would be alright. She would call him if she needed any assistance and grudgingly agreed.

Still, he made sure not to stay out longer than necessary.

As he made his way to their bedroom, he was surprised to hear quiet whispers, it was much unusual for Yaya, normally she would be asleep. Being his usual quiet self, he opened the door of their bedroom.

He opened and saw Yaya settled against the pillows with their daughter in her arms, who seemed to be more awake than her mother.

"You'll have to sleep through the night at some point, little one," Yaya murmured softly as her daughter played with her fingers, seemly entertained.

Boboiboy smiled as he watched his two favorite girls. Yaya softly speaking to their daughter, a smile playing on her lips as a pair of honeybrown eyes so similar to her own looked up at her. Yara simply was too happy to be in her mother's arms.

That was a scene he would never get tired of seeing.

"I would have imagined you two would be asleep by now," Boboiboy said from his place by the doorway before making his way to sit by Yaya's side.

"Especially this little lady," he said, gently tickling Yara's stomach before placing a kiss on Yara's cheek.

Having been too focused on her daughter, Yaya had failed to notice Boboiboy, her husband, until he spoke, startling her for a moment. She smiled then sighed before speaking..

"She was waiting for her father," she said giving him a bright smile after he kissed her cheek. "She missed you. We both did."

"So it seems.. and I missed both of you as well." Boboiboy returned the smiled, taking Yara from Yaya's arms.

"You should rest. I can manage," he said before turning his attention to his daughter who was delighted to be in her father's arms.

Yaya, too tired to say anything, simply nodded as a smile played on her lips as she watched Boboiboy with their daughter.

Out of the two of them, Boboiboy was the one who had more experience with children, after all, he had spent his childhood in a society with little children, before moving to pulau rintis island, where he was the eldest, everyone who was his assistant to play soccer were like younger brothers to him. He had to take care of all of them.
She only had one younger brother but she had not been there with him as she grew up saving the universe, planets, aliens thanks to their association TAPOPS.

Resting her head on Boboiboy's shoulder, Yaya closed her eyes as he softly spoke to Yara, receiving only happy noises from her in return. She had no idea what her father was saying to her but Yara seemed to enjoy the sound of his voice and Yaya couldn't blame her. She loved the sound of his voice too.

Sighing softly, she listened to Boboiboy's softly spoken words knowing he was being quiet for her sake.

"Your mother is tired, Yara," he whispered to his daughter, noticing how Yaya was so close to falling asleep. "We should be quiet," he smiled down at Yara who smiled in returned, her little arms flailing upwards. Boboiboy chuckled, lifting his daughter to place a kiss on her cheek before moving so she was resting comfortably against his chest.

Yara let out a tired yawn, her eyes fluttering close as she snuggled against her father just as her mother would do. Yara was so much like her mother and not only in her looks. There were many things that Yara did that would remind him of his beloved, Yaya and he was sure that there are many things his daughter will do which will remind Yaya to him.

"Goodnight, little Yaya" Boboiboy smiled, tucking a stray curl of dark brown hair behind his daughter's ear. Then he combed the white stripe of smooth hair just like him, with his hands.


The sun was already shining bright in the sky when Yaya woke up feeling better than she had in a couple of days. Keeping her eyes closed, she nestled closer to Boboiboy, her arm possessively holding him close.

She didn't want to get up, at least not for a little while longer.

Sighing, she opened her eyes yet she didn't move from her place. She was too comfortable to do that.

"Good morning, sunshine" she heard Boboiboy whispered causing her to look up at him, smiling brightly as she did so. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, all thanks to you," Yaya replied before sitting up, pushing her hair out of her face as she did so. "How did you get her to sleep through the night?"

Boboiboy smiled as he watched his beloved wife, making no move to get up. "It's a secret."

Laughing, Yaya looked at him for a moment before smacking his shoulder lightly. "I would like to know this secret of yours."

"Only if you say please."

Yaya rolled her eyes. Ohh, how dearly she missed these moments.


"Well, since you asked nicely," he laughed, sitting up next to her. "I guess you were right. She missed her father," he answered her previous question. "Also, she is too much like her mother...

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Yaya said turning her face towards him, slightly leaning in.

"That is...........

it's easy for her to fall asleep in my arms," he kissed her lips for a real 2 minutes. "Just like it is for you."

Yaya giggled, pushing him softly. "Well, you are quite comfortable," she admitted, pretending to be deep in thought. "Much better than a pillow."

"Glad I can be of service, my lady," he said, wrapping both arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "You know; we should enjoy this moment of peace."

Yaya raised an eyebrow at his words. "Yeah? And what do you propose we do?"

"I got a few ideas."

"I'm sure you do."

The end~~~

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