17. Fault lines

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Chapter song: Trouble by Cage the Elephant


It was a Friday when they were discovered, and so Anne had all weekend worry about Ruby, and who she might have told their secret to.

"I can't abide an atmosphere Matthew!" Marilla grumbled whilst bringing him a cup of tea. "Whatever it is I don't want it stewing under my roof. Maybe you should talk to her, you're softer with her, she might tell you."

"Now Marilla, I don't usually disagree with you on these things, because you usually know best when it comes to our Anne" he paused, taking a sip of his tea, measuring his next words, "but I think you need to be the one doing the talking here."

She huffed in response and said nothing more, so Matthew took that as his cue to finish his tea hastily and escape back to the barn as quickly as he could.

By Sunday morning she couldn't take any more. They would be going to church in a couple of hours and Anne looked like a ghost, or at least as though she was being haunted by one.

"Anne, now you have to tell me what on earth is going on, we can't head on to church like this!"

Anne shook her head mournfully. "I can't go to church today Marilla, please don't ask me to."

"Not go to church? Why ever not?" she demanded, her hands on hips.

"I can't explain but please understand I have very good reasons."

Marilla stared open mouthed at her before gathering herself.
"Fiddlesticks! You'll be coming to church with me and Matthew like always." She then added in a softer tone "If this is something to do with you and Gilbert.... well we'll both be there with you so there's no need to worry."

Anne whirled to stare at Marilla, "Why what have you been told?" she demanded.

"I've not been told anything child, but I have eyes in my head that the good Lord gave me to see! It's plain to me that you and Gilbert may have become... well, fond of each other, and weren't only studying these past weeks. I'm an old maid but I'm not stupid, I could see how happy you were every time you came back from seeing him Anne. I'm very sorry things didn't work out for you two. "

A tear began its descent down Anne's nose and she tried to hold in the ones that followed, to no avail.

" You're completely right Marilla, I was happy- as was Gilbert, and you guessed right, we have become... affectionate with one another and I care deeply for him, but you see I shouldn't have kept it secret." Tears flowed freely now.

"There, there child, no need for tears, I don't mind you kept it from us, although I would expect Gilbert to come and ask if he'd like to court you, but no harm, on that count at least."

"No Marilla you misunderstand, it's not Gilbert that's the problem, or not telling you, although I am sorry for that too" she sniffed. "I shouldn't have kept it from my friends, and now Ruby saw us together and she despises me because she's loved Gilbert since she was small, and more than that, because I'm supposed to be her friend and I kept it from her. Oh Marilla you should have seen her face, it simply shone with betrayal!" Anne's sobbing took up a new level, so Marilla patted her shoulder gently to comfort her a little.

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