Jack Johnson Request For Fiona

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"Babe do I actually have to learn?" Jack says and throws his and your backpack onto the floor of his room.

You're tutoring jack johnson, your lovely boyfriend of 2 months. It's kind of cute how he has trouble with math, and it's great how you get to tutor him and spend more time with him.

"Of course you have to 'actually learn,'" you say and giggle. He flops down onto his bed and you just sit on the end corner.

He groans and slides over to you. "do we haaaaave to?" he says and snakes his arm around your waist. You jump up off the bed and he laughs. "Yes. You need to get better at math so you can actually pass the class," you say and he laughs.

 That smirk is still on his lips, just making you want to just hang out. His arm slides around your waist again and you try to focus on math. "Jack, come on, get your books out," you say. He looks at your lips, and leans in to kiss you.

You totally lost it. You close your eyes, obviously knowing that he would kiss you. You didn't care. Jack wouldn't have done math work anyways.

He pulled you in quickly and kissed you heavily, which was, actually, making you nervous. Well Jack loves to make you nervous for some reason. He thinks it's funny and cute.

He realizes that just kissing you isn't going to keep you nervous forever. His hand that isn't around your waist moves to your leg, making you jump.

He smirks as he kisses you. You try to relax, and you put your hands at the back of his neck. He sighs as he kisses you when you do that.

He pulls away and forces you to look at him. "hope you're not nervous yet," he whispers in your ear. Your heart starts to race and he says in your ear, "don't worry I won't bite." you can almost hear his smirk as he says that.

Your pulse spikes as he says that. He starts to kiss down your neck, and you try to keep a steady heartbeat. "or you better hope I won't," he whispers in your ear.

He pushes you down onto the bed, continueing to kiss you on the lips. He lays ontop of you and kisses down your neck. You run your hands through his sandy blonde hair.

He pauses before biting down on your neck, obviously leaving a bruise. You bite your lip. "Jack don't-" you try to tell him. He laughs lowly and goes up to kiss you. Jack kisses you several times before saying on your lips, "nervous?" you shake your head no and he kisses you again.

 He laughs in a low voice and you push on his shoulders, "jack let me see!" he shakes his head. You shove him again and he just laughs. "kiss me again and I'll show you," he says lowly and you groan. "jackkk no," you say but he kisses you anyways.

He continues to kiss you until you stop trying to pull away. He whispers a centimeter above your lips, "I'll show you what it looks like." he pushes his lips to yours again.

"kiss me," he says. He puts his finger on the side of his neck. "right here," he says and kisses you again. Jack kisses your jaw near your mouth so you're right near his neck. He stops kissing you for a moment and says, "go ahead, do it."

You're so nervous, you've never given a boy a hickey before and you're not sure if it's very naughty for your age or even if you should do it. You look down and say lightly, "Jack I don't know, I think I-" "oh come on, you can do it, don't be nervous," he says the word nervous like a tease.

You kiss him close to the spot that he held your hand to and you feel different. It feels strange, like you're doing something you're not suppose to. Like sneaking a bit of alcohol or kissing an ex boyfriend. You hardly leave a mark, before pulling away and looking at it. "Is that what mine looks like?!" you say and gasp.

Jack laughs and says, "of course it does." you cover your mouth with your hand and say, "I can't have that on my neck!!!" he laughs and says, "it's a little late for that."

Before you can respond, he kisses your lips again. He pulls away and whispers a fraction of a centimeter above your lips, "come on I'll show you." Jack gets up and pulls you up by your hand rather swiftly. You get a bit dizzy and stumble a couple steps. "whoah," you giggle and Jack steadies you by your waist.

You run down the hall to the mirror and turn your head.

The mark is terribly visible and considering Jack is more or less experienced than you, yours is clearly very big. You gasp as jack comes in to check his too. "damn girl!" he says as he looks at his hickey. His is not even bad compared to yours.

He looks at yours in the mirror and grins devlishly. He runs his finger over it, making you shiver. "looks great babe," he says and you swat his hand away teasingly.  Jack inspects his again and says, "damn, you naughty girl."

You look down at the floor and say quietly, "I didn't know that was bad of me to do." you totally did get the hint though, it definatly was naughty. But Jack didn't seem to care how naughty it was, so you thought it was okay.

"you're so naïve," he says, still looking at the mirror. You struggle to find what to say so you just say, "sorry."

He stops looking at the mirror and over to you, which your still staring at the floor. He grabs your hands and says, "oh, no, Fiona I didn't mean it like that, I just, I- I thought maybe you had- had done something- something like this before."

You gasp and take huge offense to this. You tug your hands away and cross your arms saying, "you think I'm a whore?" his eyes go wide and he says, "no! No, I just, you just seem-" "I seem like a whore?!" you cut him off.

So that's why he kissed you. He thought you wouldn't care if he kissed you and pretty much shoved his tongue down your throat because your just such a whore that you've done it so many times before. That's why he gave you a mark and let you give him one. If he had known that you've never done any of this before he wouldn't have.

"no- you just- you- you don't understand Fiona," he says and paces around. You shake your head and say, "what? What do I need to 'understand'?"

"do I need to understand that you think I'm a whore? Do I need to understand that you only did this because you think I'm a whore? Do I need to understand THIS, that you just did this to prove that I'm such a whore," you get quieter and quieter as you ramble on. "because thats pretty clear and I DO understand that!" you yell.

He runs a hand through his sandy hair and paces. "no it's not like that Fiona-" "YES it is and you KNOW it is Jack-" you're interupted by Jack again. "-no Fiona LISTEN to me-" "Jack I'm not going to run in circles for you if you're just going to treat me like a whore-" "IM NOT- Im trying to tell you-" he yells over you before you cut him off, "-TELL me what?! That all I said was true and to get out because I already know that you think Im a whore-"

He cuts off your screaming rant and says, "I DONT think you're a whore! I-" you can't stop yourself. "THEN WHY would you say that you thought I had done this before?! You-" he walks straight up to you and says, "because I think your goddamn beautiful Fiona, and I think that you deserve to be loved, and I think that you're too beautiful to have never been able to feel like that before. So when you told me that you've never done this before, I was shocked because you're so- you're so gorgoeus and amazing that I thought that you had done it before- god dammit-" he pulls your hands and pushes his lips to yours.

(A/N) this one I had saved for a while in my drafts, and I was like omg this is perfect for a request! So yeah that's why it took so little time lol. And it's different from the style of the other requests.

Anyways, I hope you like it, this is one of my favs. But idk I feel like it sucked. So if it sucked then just tell me and I'll try to make a better one.

So yeah! For other readers, requests are still open! If you want one, comment and include:
•your name
•the boy you want it for
•where (optional)
•what you look like (eye color, height, hair color, style, etc.)

I'll do as many as I can, but they might take a while, I've been really busy at school.

Thanks for all the reads!

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