Not Innocent • Aaron Carpenter

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"I loooove youuu," Aaron says and tugs on the bottom of your blazer. You giggle and keep your hands on the back of his neck. You kiss him on the lips and he kisses you back. He takes off your blazer and leaves you in your thin tanktop.

"Aaron it's winter and it's cold! Dont leave me in my tanktop please!" you say. He laughs in a low voice and says, "We'll be in less than tanktops in a few minutes." He winks at you and you gasp, hitting his arm playfully.

"Aaron!" you say and he smirks at you. "Dont tell me you don't want to," he says cheekily and you blush. "I do," you say and he pinches your bum. "Really?" he says and flips his hair to the side. You flush red and he kisses the side of your neck.

He pushes you over to the door and pushes you against it. "We can," he says and your heart races. He looks your right in the eyes. He pulls up his Tshirt and bites his lip. "A-Aaron," you say catching your breath. He smirks at you and pushes you against the door.

He tugs on the top of your leggings and they slide down a bit. The top of your lace underwear shows and his breath hitches. You find this extremely unfair so you pull off his top. He slides his hands around your waist and kisses you on the lips.

"Are you sure babe," he says on your lips and your heart flutters. "Y-yeah," you say and he raises and eyebrow.

He kisses your neck and whispers in a low voice, "You don't sound very sure." You kiss him out of anger and run your hands through his hair. He slides his hands up your tanktop and you grab onto his hands. You push them away to purposely tease him back. He can't keep his hands off you so he puts them around your waist.

"Yes," you say and stare into his eyes. He looks back and says, "Okay." he kisses you again, but suddenly the door swings open, shoving you into Aaron.

You fall ontop of Aaron. You frantically get off him and you both stand up.

Aaron's mom stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "What were you doing to your poor girlfriend?!" his mother says and pulls you by the hand over to her and puts your blazer back on you.

"She told me that-" "WHOAH. Nooo, no, no, no. I doubt this innocent girl would tell you that," she says with her hands on your shoulders. You give a little innocent smile at Aaron and he gives you a look.

"Okay Mom. It won't happen again. Promise," he says with a glint in his eye, directed to you. She leaves the room and Aaron walks swiftly over to you.

"You won't be so innocent in a few minutes," he says and kisses you.

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