Chapter 14

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Early update, so enjoy.

Short authors note at the end(: I'm giving you incentive!!!


Apparently my mom had called the principle and told him that Alex was a friend of the family, so that we could carpool to and from school without suspicion.

People had been talking behind my back but I tried not to let it bother me all that much. They probably assumed something was going on. Which would be correct but it still didn't feel good.

"Hey Spencer, can I talk to you for a moment?" Landon asked, his hand wound loosely around my wrist, slowing me down. The bell had just rung and I was on my way to Alex's classroom. No one else was in the hallway and I didn't see Landon when he walked toward me.

"Uh sure, I have tutoring soon though so.." I trailed off. It was lie because 'tutoring', was just helping Alex grade papers in his room.

"It's cool I just need to ask you a few questions about the dance this weekend." He looked at his hands and smiled bashfully.

"Of course, what is it, Landon?" I smiled up at his tanned face. I was surprised he hadn't talked to me before this. It had been over a month since he'd asked me an he hadn't said one word or made any sort of contact.

Before he could speak I heard rather incessantly annoying laughter and I took a hard shove to my side as a group of girls walked through the hallway. All my books fell to the floor, and the girl responsible turned around and laughed even harder continuing on her way outside.

"Rachel Buchanan, principles office now!" I heard Alex's domineering voice and my insides just about melted at how hot he sounded.

He was standing at the end of the hall and had obviously seen Rachel shove me. He looked pissed to say the least.

"But Mr. White, the little slut deserves it. So do you, considering you're fucking her." Rachel and the girls surrounding her laughed and my heart pounded almost out of my chest in guilt and more dominantly, anger.

"Office! Now, Ms Buchanan!" Alex yelled pointing to the corridor down the hall he was next to.

"No, Alex. I won't let this happen again." I told him, then turned to Rachel with a sneer on my face, "you know, Rachel. I've dealt with slutty priss's like you all my life. And it's not going to happen here. Not when everything's been going so well."

He face fell.

"What the fück did you just say to me?" Rachel clipped, irritatingly.

"Something's telling me you know exactly what I said, and you wouldn't dare ruin your eighty something dollar manicure on attacking a lowlife like me would you?" I laughed almost maniacally, "Alex, Mr. white as you call him, is just a family friend. His brother is in a relationship with my mother. And if you don't believe it then tell me instead of shoving your bony ass into me and having the audacity to call me a slut when your the one who's currently betting she can sleep with the entire soccer team." Rachel's friends didn't laugh at that. In fact some had sucked in harsh breaths, not knowing.

"How the hell do you know that?" She advanced toward me, but before I could move towards her, an arm wrapped around my waist turned me and put me down.

"Maybe you shouldn't talk about personal things when there's people in the stalls next to you, Rachel." I yelled around Landon's form.

I tried going back around to say my piece, but he grabbed my waist again and turned me.

Alex cut in.

"Nope, come on. You're going home. I'm sure you've both gotten your points across so go home Rachel. If you or your friends talk to Spencer in any way other than with complete respect. I can guarantee an automatic suspension."

I said goodbye to Landon, giving him my number so that he could ask his questions later.


As I sat in Alex's black Range Rover I realized something.

"Alex?" I called softly, staring at the glove compartment in front of me.

"Yes, love?" He asked, taking my hand in his free one.

"I'm no better than she is. It's so easy to be so mean, and I just... was."

"But baby, that was only because she was harassing you." Alex tried to ease my guilty conscience but it didn't work. I was the one sitting there feeling bad for myself when I had thrown so much evil and hate at Rachel and her friends.

"I don't care. I'm worse than the people at my old school."

"Don't say that. They'd never compare to you. You know that, darling, don't you? Let's go home and cuddle and watch your Gossiping Girls."

I laughed at that, my conscience easing and laying off for a minute. He was just so damned cute.

"It's called Gossip Girl, Alex."


This is such a filler. I got bored so 20 votes on this doesn't really count but if the last one gets 25 votes than I'll do a TRIPLE UPDATE on Monday(;


Love you too the moon & back

-Ray(; Xx

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