Chapter 5

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Hello beautifuls thanks for reading this story this isn't just a normal teacher/student story it will be for a little while but maybe possibly towards the end ill throw some twists in there. Well as I always say, Enjoy!


My mom seemed to be thinking that Alex liked me. She talked about him all the time and how we should all go on a double date.

Because that could happen. Not only would I never go on a double date with my mother, but my so called date was my teacher.

Kaitlin came over yesterday after school like we planned and left around eleven. My mom kept badgering her right when we walked in the door, with questions like, "So is my daughter making other friends? How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? Does my daughter? Do you want cookies?"

I was so mad at her, when we finally had gotten into my room we collapsed on the bed and she burst out laughing.

"I am so sorry. My mom can be a bit of a freak sometimes, unfortunately she doesn't have an off switch" I said.

"Don't sweat it." She laughed.

Today I had gotten a few more stares and glances and thrown in my direction by Alex. And I couldn't say I was complaining.

I was currently in seventh period and it was the last of the day when I got a text from a number I didn't recognize.

Your mum gave me your number and told me to tell you that me and Steven are coming for dinner tonight, this is Alex by the way.

I laughed silently to myself.

I read over the text and instantly thought that this was probably my mothers plan to make sure we had each others numbers. She could very well have texted me herself, but that's my conniving mother for you, always scheming.

Okay thank you, you know my mom did this on purpose, she could have told me herself

I replied back.

His reply came a minute later saying,

Yeah that makes sense I was wondering why she did this, your mums a bit of a schemer.

Yep, one of the many up sides about my amazing mother,*she says sarcastically*.

Okay well I'll see you after school.

He replied not even a minute later.

I didn't bother replying back because my teacher was now on my side of the classroom and I didn't want to risk her figuring out that 'Alex' was Mr. White. That would definitely be bad considering that if this teacher took my phone everyone knows that she's a bit of a snooper. And unfortunately my phone doesn't have a lock on it.

I should really consider putting one on though. What if I lost it?

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I put my binder and pen in my bag and walked towards the exit doors of the school.

I reached my car and got a text from Kaitlin saying,

So I need to tell you something important.

What is it?

I think I'm in love with Zach/:

I knew it! The way she looks at him in class, it's easy to tell.

I figured, I think he likes you too. He always flirts with me in front of you he doesn't do it when your not around so I think he tries to make you jealous.

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