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Hello from the literal future!

Before anyone turns away, some good news: I have finished writing ALL of Nessie's Life, and I will be posting chapters from now until it's finished. That means I can guarantee not to leave it hanging this time!

Feel free to skip to the story, or read this quick update about why I've returned to this story 8 years later:

I wrote Nessie's Life in 2013, when I was 15 years old. It was an amazing creative outlet for me in high school. I'm forever grateful for all the people who have read it and enjoyed it over the years. I'm so so sorry for leaving it mid-story, but that's what happens when you have AP classes and theatre rehearsals every night.

Since then, I have graduated from high school, and then from college where I majored in theatre and biology. Now I'm 23 and in medical school, believe it or not! You're probably wondering, why on earth would someone in medical school return to the Twilight fan fiction they wrote 8 years ago? Honestly, I've just been looking for a way to use my creative brain again since I spend most days drowning in science and facts. I also rediscovered my old passion for Twilight recently when my roommate suggested we watch the movies.

One cool thing is that Mackenzie has grown up with me, so I got to make a new cover that shows what Renesmee would actually look like in this story!

I'll leave it at that for now. I'm so excited to share the rest of this story. I really look forward to interacting with anyone who reads, so please comment! Enjoy :)

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