Chapter 3

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Arshita's Pov!

Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, Marr—

"Shut up Ms. Juliet!" I heard someone's voice getting startled as I stopped dancing in my room and almost shouted when I saw Shubman on the window that was just in front of mine's.

"Oh my god! You scared the shit out of me" I said keeping a hand on my heart while he gave me a look, ruffling his messy hair annoyed and it looked as if he had just woken up.

"Can you stop singing at the top of your voice and stop that damned music, it's literally eight in the morning" Shubman said gritting his teeth and I smiled as I walked upto my window as I paused the song and said, "Well it's time to wake up Mr.Sleeping beauty"

"No it's not and it's invasion of the society rules to play music so loudly specially in the morning" He said and I just rolled my eyes as I said, "It's not like I'm playing music in the middle of the society, it's my house! My music!"

"It's useless to argue with you" Shubman said in an irritated tone and I chuckled saying, "I'm glad, you know that!"

I turned around and played the song once again while Shubman just sighed as he closed his window with a bang and I laughed while continuing with my morning dance!

After I was finally done, I got freshen up as I went down to see mom setting things out in the kitchen and the living room, "Good morning mom"

"Good morning, I heard some shouts over at the windows" Mom said shooting me a look while I just smiled while shrugging my shoulders not quite looking at her, "Btw isn't that boy extra rude?" she asked me and now I was all for this conversation as I turned to her saying, "Exactly mom! You saw that yesterday too! And now again! Can't I even dance in my damn house and room?"

"I know right! But windows could be closed Arshu, you don't need to show your dance to all the neighbors" Mom said and I rolled my eyes saying, "I need some fresh air to stay beautiful mom"

"When did my daughter became such a narcissist? Oh right! Since birth!" Mom said and I gave her a 'not so funny' look while she laughed.

"Anyways Arshu, can you go to the neighbors and ask for the laundry, groceries, and cleaners phone numbers? I really need to settle everything" Mom said and I looked at her all offensive as I said, "Mom! You just agreed that the neighbor was rude and now you're telling me to go his house?"

"You can talk to his sister, she seemed so sweet" Mom said and I just sighed while nodding my head, "Fine!" I said as I was already walking out of the house, because no doubt how rude that idiot Shubman is, Shriya actually seemed the opposite of him and I could actually need someone friendly in this new neighborhood.

I went and rang the bell while waiting for someone to open and, the person whom I least wanted to see did it! Why?

"Ohh see who it is! Was fighting over the window and ruining my morning by showing your face just when I woke up not enough that you're here too?" Shubman said with his usual straight face and I also gave him my usual calmed face!

"Don't flatter yourself! Even I'm having bad vibes for the following day after seeing you face first thing in morning" I said and he clenched his jaw while his grip on the door knob tightened.

"What do you need?" He asked me and I smiled, "Now you're talking! I need to see Shriya, is she home?"

"Did someone call for me? Good morning Arshita" Shriya said coming from behind as she pushed Shubman aside from the door giving out a look as she invited me in.

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