3). dragged

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That morning Mean takes a leisurely walk to the sports center and finds Plan playing tennis with his friend Perth.

He smiled.  He approached Joss and invited him to play tennis against the two men on the court.

"I see your game is pretty good. Want to play against us just for fun. If we lose, we'll buy you lunch, but if we win, you have to buy us lunch."  Mean approached Plan and Perth and spoke out loud.

Perth, who didn't like to be challenged, immediately agreed and Mean could see Plan's facial expression, which was annoyed because Perth couldn't help it.

"We played just one set. We still have work to do," said Plan kindly but his eyes glanced over to Perth, forcing him to say yes.

Perth, as if understanding with that gaze, agreed.  Mean also agreed.  He didn't care how many sets of games they had, what was clear, his heart was desperately wanting to talk to this little Plan.

They played and the match was won by Plan and Perth.  It is okay.  Mean and Joss did give in to them on purpose.

Joss is actually annoyed when Mean forces him to give in the match.  He never likes to lose.  Hated it.  The word is not in his dictionary.  However, if he had dealt with Mean Phiravich already, the word slid easily from his brain.

Joss could never surpass the Phiravich's intelligence.  There were many things he admired about this boy who was younger than him.  As long as they are friends, who spend most of their life, Mean is someone he respects and cares about.

He likes Mean's way of thinking.  His cold head when faced with problems and the way he reacted to many things in his life made him stand up like a handsome man currently laughing with the little one from across the net.

"Don't say, you like him! I can see clearly from the way you look at him. Forget him! You already have that Tall one man, remember that!"  Joss tries to prevent Mean's desire.

Although Mean is smart, Joss is better at reading Mean's romances.  Maybe it's because they grew up together.

"I'm not sexually attracted to him. He's like a business to me. I want to take a deeper look and understand him. Tor thinks he's a rival and is afraid of him. You know I like challenges," Mean whispered to Joss.

"Don't be too enthusiastic, Mean. I'm worried about you. You might get dragged into it. I'm afraid you will fall in love with him and make your life more difficult. They are good hosts playing people's lives. This is their job. You understand, right?"  Joss warned.

Mean just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.  Instantly he realized that Plan had indeed charmed him, as if he had magic and was chanting it.  Wherever his body moves, Mean's eyeballs can't help but keep up with his enthusiasm.  They walk closer to each other.  Joss and Mean with Plan and Perth.

"All right, where do you decide for lunch?"  said Mean opening the conversation.

"I'm sorry to ask questions like this. But, do you often visit The Escort club? Your faces are very familiar in my memory," said Perth, holding his temples.

"That's right, we're VVIP guests. Usually we're with Tor and Tay."  Joss replied proudly.

There is nothing to hide.  Visiting The Escort nightclub is a treat because it shows how much money you have.

"They are our guests."  Perth glanced at Plan explained.
Plan nodded with a friendly smile at them.

"Okay, according to the agreement, the loser will buy lunch. You can name the place," said Mean looking at Plan.

Meam stared at Plan but Plan stared in another direction, at the man who was walking behind Mean and Joss across the tennis court, glancing at Plan and smiling.  He continued walking while pulling his hat deeper over his face.

Plan makes a smile as well and Mean's gaze goes straight to the back of the man who walks away from them to the changing room.

Although at first glance, Mean clearly knew that this man was the same man he had watched last night at the club.  Mean looked at Plan who was still staring at his back.

"All right, where?"  Joss now asked.

"You can have lunch with Perth alone. I have business," said Plan and immediately walked quickly after the man.  Perth who knew and realized immediately nodded his head in understanding.

"All right, let's have lunch at the usual place, na! Mean?"  Joss elbowed him.

"Uhm, of course," Mean answered quickly changing the look of disappointment on his face.

Mean is quite impressed with the situation.  The reason is, no one has ever dared to refuse his invitation to lunch.  Only Plan did.

"You guys can go ahead. I'll go to the toilet for a bit," Mean said.

He's still curious.  He didn't turn towards the toilet, but walked into the changing room where he caught a glimpse of Plan entering.  Mean goes inside the dressing room until finally one last room.  VVIP rooms, only one or two people usually rent them.  He pushed the bedroom door softly and entered it.

"Mmmph, Phi Chao," sighed someone.  His voice catches Mean and Mean's ears slowly peeking at the intimacy of Plan and the man who is now known as Chao.  The top and bottom of the Chao and Plan are linked.  They are making love.

Mean clearly witnessed how Chao carried the little guy who wrapped his legs tightly around Chao's waist and stomped his manhood into Plan's hole.  Plan is no longer sighing.  He screamed with pleasure.  Only an insane person did not get aroused when he saw that beautiful innocent creature trembling with a sensual face and a very naughty sigh.

"Shit!"  Mean's hands are clenched into fists, because his manhood is now awake unconscious and he has to stick his hand into his pants and start shaking it slowly.

"Aaah, Phi Chao, I'm coming out," the sensual voice tickles Mean's ear again and makes his louder and faster and faster.

"Ooh, Plan. I've always loved your holes."  Chao's lascivious howl grew even higher.

"Aangh, Phi," Plan whispered as Chao reached the peak of pleasure along with Mean who was also cleaning up the rest of his own masturbation.  Plan and Chao looked at each other, smiled, and then kissed intensely.

"See you tonight," said Chao.

"You're coming to the club?"  asked Plan.

"Of course. I will miss you very much." Chao's voice was very soft and he gave another kiss.

"Okay."  Plan hugged Chao and smiled happily.

That sight did not escape Mean's eyes, who now understand that Plan and Chao are like him and Tor.
They left the room and Mean had preceded him to walk towards the restaurant.

To be continue...


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