8). going along

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"What's happened, Khun? Why are you so battered and why did you bring a kitten?"  Plan who was taking care of Mean's feet asked.

Mean watched Plan and looked at him gently.  He was still washing Mean's feet so the wound wouldn't irritate.  Mean then explained the purpose of his arrival.

"Ah, forget about Ohm's matter. I forgive you. Mama Nook and Mama Gin have explained everything. It's okay, I'm better now."  Plan explained with a smile.

Oh, what a beautiful smile, thought Mean.

"Then can we start over and be friends?"  Mean asked, looking at Plan gently.  Plan dripped Mean's wound with medicine.

"Are you sure you want to be friends with me? A lot of people don't like me, and let alone your boyfriend. If you're friends with me, how will Tor be?"  Plans explained.

He rolled up Mean's shirt and treated the wound on his arm.  They sit next to each other.

"Actually, Tor and I have broken up. We're no longer in touch," said Mean.

"Oh my gosh! Is it because of me? I mean when you were on a cruise, you always stood up for me. I felt bad for him," Plan explained.

Plan glanced at Mean, confirming with a smile.  Mean smile back.  They stared at each other for a moment.

"Actually, Tor and I are done. We talked while on the cruise and we finally decided to end our relationship. Oh, and don't worry, this has absolutely nothing to do with you," Mean said softly.

"Then why daydream and almost hit a kitten like this? Khun, haven't been able to switch from Tor?"  asked Plan.

"Yeah, there's a lot on my mind. Tor, you, and my secretary," Mean said softly, leaving a frown on Plan's face, a sign of not understanding.

"Tor, I can't get over him, you, I feel guilty and worried about you and my secretary, he suddenly resigned when I really need him, especially right now, Joss isn't around," complained Mean.

"Oh, I see. Don't worry about me. I've forgiven you. I also have to apologize to you for kissing you. I wasn't in a good mood at the time. I can't help you with Tor. But if you need my help with your secretarial work,  I can help until you get a new one, that's if you want," explained Plan.  Now she is taking care of the cat's paw.

"Of course I will. When can I start working? How about the club job?"  Mean ask.  That's his third move.  Up to three steps, the mission is successfully completed.  He just needed to be more patient for the next step.

"I've stopped working at the club. Actually, now I'm thinking about continuing with cooking school, but for the time being, I can help you with your secretarial work."  Plan explained again.  The cat had finished grooming and he was sleeping on Plan's lap.

"What about the cat?"  Mean asked.

"I can't take him to my apartment. I'm still like this," said Mean, pointing to herself and the cat.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of the cat. You can stay here for the night. Besides, it's getting late. That's if you want. If not, can I take you home?"  Plans offer.

"Hmm, I'll just stay here. Tomorrow morning I'll all go home to the workshop. When you're ready to work, give me a call," said Mean.

They talked again about many more things.  It wasn't until after midnight that they decided to sleep.  Mean occupied the guest room and the next morning after they had breakfast together, he returned to the workshop.


After that conversation, they became closer.  Because, they meet and talk almost every day.  From that closeness, brands get to know each other better, about things they like and don't like.

Brand friendship has been running for three months.  Mean didn't intend to change secretaries, but he gave Plan time to continue cooking school.


"Why are you taking me to dinner?"  One day Plan said after they finished work.

"The day after tomorrow is my birthday. I want to celebrate it with you. However, I will be in Japan at that time, so let's celebrate it early," said Mean.

"Then let's just cook," said Plan.

"No need. I don't want you to bother. Let's go to the restaurant. How about it?"  Mean asked again.  Plan nodded in agreement.

They were just about to enter the restaurant when Mean saw Tor coming out of there with a boy.  They are both shocked.  Tor looked away and chose not to know them.

Mean's face looks very sad.  Witnessing that, Plan stroked Mean's back gently and patted his shoulder to support her.  Mean just nod and smile.

They come in and have dinner.  It was Plan's turn to be surprised because when he and Mean came out of the restaurant, he bumped into Phi Chao and his wife.  Chao greeted them and let his wife enter the restaurant first.

"You guys are together," Chao said.

Plan, who was still amazed, didn't answer.

"Right, we're together, Phi," Mean replied, making Plan glance at him.  Mean looked at Plan then Phi Chao in turn.

"Uhm, I see. Thank goodness. Please take care of him. He's a very good boy," said Phi Chao again while patting Plan's shoulder lightly.

"Ah, yes, he's very nice," Mean replied again as he pushed Chao's hand off Plan's shoulder then put his hand on Plan's head and stroked it gently.

"Plan, very precious to me. I love him sincerely. I promise I will take care and try to make him happy, Phi don't worry," continued Mean and his hands were still in position.

Plan looked at Mean and smiled.  He tried to follow the flow of the game Mean.  He understands that Mean is trying to make Chao think that Plan has moved on from him and that he is living a good life.

Mean returned the smile.  In front of Chao he deliberately held Plan's hand and showed how much he loved Plan.

"Thank God, then. I'm happy to hear that," said Chao and smiled at Mean and Plan then said goodbye.

All the way to Plan's house there was no talk.  Both are immersed in their respective pasts.

"It's here," said Mean when the car reached the yard.

"Uhm, Thankyou, na," Plan said and got out of the car.

"Goodnight, Plan," said Mean as Plan got out of the car.

Plan turned and smiled.

"Uhm," he said.

He walked towards the house and let Mean stare at his back until finally Plan turned and waved his hand with a smile before finally closing the door.

Mean silence.  Honestly, he really wanted to run to Plan and hug him and confess his love.  However, he was worried.  Plan is not ready to accept it.  But don't know what force pushed him. He parked his car in front of Plan's house, then knocked on Plan's door.  Plan opened it in a state of tears.

"What are you doing? I'm worried about you," Mean softly looked at him.

"Meaaaan," Plan said and he hugged Mean and sobbed.  A cry that describes a very deep sadness that is also mixed with a relief.  Mean stroked Plan's back gently while still hugging him.

"Hey, whats happen?"  Mean asked again quietly.  His hand was still stroking Plan's back.

"What you said to Phi Chao earlier, was it really?"  Plan looked up.

Mean wiped Plan's tears gently while nodding his head.

"You like me?"  asked Plan to confirm.

The two eyes met.

"I love you," Mean whispered.

"Mean," Plan whispered.  He looked at Mean who brought his face closer and Plan closed his eyes feeling the warm kiss on his forehead.

They looked at each other and smiled.  Then, they kissed warmly and softly.  Slowly their kiss became deep and intense.

Plan could feel warmth touch his heart as Mean kissed his forehead and lips.  He hugged Mean tightly and Mean did the same to Plan.

Plan smiled and pulled his arm into his room.

When he opened the door to Plan's room, the cat named Rocky came out meowing to greet his master.

"Hi, Rocky. Go play, na! Papa and Papa Mean have business," he whispered and kissed Rocky.  The cat then left and climbed onto the sofa and slept comfortably in a circle there.

Mean smiled and when Plan closed the bedroom door they immediately kissed very passionately and intensely.

To be continue...

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