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Y/n awoke in a familiar blonde's arms. She was in one of her child forms. Her long white hair reached down to her ass not growing any longer yet still alive at the tips.

A/n: imagine her with the same wings, tail, and horns from the bio but smaller.

She stretched her arms out and yawned. She then wiped the sleep from her eyes before turning to the blonde and smiles. She gently shakes the blonde awake to no avail. Then an idea popped into her head.

Y/n: mommy.

The blonde sprang up in her bed looking from right to left. When she relaxed and saw Y/n's fearful expression, she tried to assure her.

???: please stop calling me mommy. You're my sister.

Y/n: as long as I'm in this form I shall call you mommy.

???: *sigh* at least Rune isn't in here.

Y/n: I hope I didn't kick you, Yang.

Yang: no, you didn't. Why did you fall asleep in that form?

Y/n: I'm the closest I can be to you when I'm in this form. Plus, I like it.

Yang: can you change back into your original form?

Y/n: you love this form.

Yang: yeah, but if our younger sister sees you in that form, she'll freak out.

Y/n: she already knows about this form. This form is literally me when I was younger and less gifted biologically.

Y/n changes into her original form and smiles. Yang leans in and captures Y/n's lips with hers. When she pulls away, Y/n places her hand on Yang's. As Y/n gets up, Yang watches her tail swish from side to side.

Y/n: so...we're going to Beacon together...

Yang: I know! It's so exciting!

Y/n: what do you think it'll be like there?

Yang: it will be awesome!

Y/n: you really think so?

Yang: yep.

Y/n: what I don't get in?

Yang: trust me, you will. Dragon Faunuses are beings of legend, why wouldn't Ozpin want you at his school?

Y/n: well, my personality for one.

Yang: listen, Y/n. You are a highly skilled individual. No combat school would reject a Dragon Faunus. Especially if they know about their tendencies, history, and biology. You have nothing to worry about.

Y/n: but what if I...?

Yang: you'll be fine, Y/n. Just stick with me.

Y/n: okay.

Yang: now, we have to get ready.

Y/n: right.

Yang and Y/n quickly take showers and get dressed. They walk to the living room to find Ruby standing at the front door tapping her foot.

Yang: what?

Ruby: we're gonna be late.

Yang: we have time.

Ruby: come on!

Ruby, Yang, and Y/n walk to the airpad and find no one there except for their parents. Y/n's mother, Isabella, walked over to her daughter before she got onto the airship.

Isabella: now, I want you to behave when you are at this school. Try not to give anyone any trouble. And please try to make friends. God knows we don't want need you becoming depressed.

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