The Initiation

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A/n: what happens in this story might seem a little forced, but I have a plan. Please read the chapter and tell me what you think.

Y/n was flying through the air using her massive wings. She glided to a landing zone and landed in the middle of a group of standing pillars. She smiles and checks over herself for any wounds or light scratches.

Y/n: alright. Now, who's going to be my partner?

Y/n looks around her and realizes where she is.

Y/n: oh my God! I'm in Ina's Watch!

Y/n starts fangirling.

Y/n: now, where is the treasure?

Y/n sniffs the air.

Y/n: yes! *thrusting her arms into the air* It hasn't been pillaged yet! *someone lands on her* oof!

Y/n opens her eyes as she hears a groan. She looks at the person who landed on her as she was getting up. She quickly notices the awkward position she was in. The woman shook her head before realizing what position she was in. The woman suddenly saw Y/n's eyes change into one of a dragon's keeping their normal color.

???: *eyes widen* oh shit.

Y/n then rolls the woman over onto her back and kisses her passionately. Y/n pulls away and bites the woman on the neck claiming her for herself. Y/n then absorbs the mana from the woman's body before collapsing. The woman slowly sits up.

???: damnit! 'Marked by another Dragon Faunus. How and why did she get so primal?'

The woman spread her wings and stood up.

???: my mother is gonna be pissed.

Somewhere else

The woman's parents were watching the initiation.

???: that was fast.

???: well, this is an interesting turn of events.

With Y/n

After half an hour unconscious, Y/n awoke. The woman from earlier sat next to her. Y/n suddenly recalled what had happened before turning to the woman.

Y/n: oh my God, I'm so sorry! I only get like that when someone touches my reverse scale.

???: can't say I expected it. It was surprising for sure.

Y/n: I'm really sorry.

???: well, now I belong to you and I'm also your mate.

Y/n: *sigh* my name's Y/n.

???: Clara.

Y/n: nice to meet you.

Clara: yeah.

Y/n: I'm not sharing the treasure.

Clara: There are 14 chambers filled with treasure. We each keep the treasure from 7 chambers.

Y/n: still not sharing. I found it first.

Clara: All Dragon Faunuses know the tale. You find the treasure, you get to keep it. If two find it, they split it and so on. However, since you decided to claim me as a mate, my half now belongs to you.


Clara: not awesome! You marked me as your mate!

Y/n: what's so wrong with that?

Clara: my mother is gonna be pissed at the fact that I let someone claim me.

Back somewhere else

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