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Yang woke up and looked around the room. She saw that Ruby was still in her bed. She smiled before taking a shower and getting dressed. She then gets Ruby up and she does the same.

Yang: Y/n is probably outside somewhere.

Ruby: why do you think so?

Yang: Ozpin told me that she having some issues with her dragon instincts.

Ruby: oohhh.

Yang: think of it as a scavenger hunt.

Ruby: you know where she is, don't you?

Yang: what? Pfffbbb! No.

Ruby: I also read the paper Ozpin gave me. Should we really go to her when they are around and she's asleep?

Yang: what's the worst that can happen?

Ruby: they could eat us!

Yang: it's fine.

Ruby: but...!

Yang: she needs us, and frankly, I need to make sure that my sister is okay.

Ruby: our.

Yang: what?

Ruby: our sister. She's my sister too.

Yang: right.

Ruby: buuuuut...let's go find her.

Yang: yes!

Blake: *groans*

Yang and Ruby freeze and look at their teammates. Then they turn to one another and giggle. They pack a few things for themselves and leave their dorm. They walk towards the forest. After a few hours, they come to a clearing where they find Y/n with her mates. Yang and Ruby walk up to Y/n and sit next to her head.

Yang: *caressing Y/n's cheek* she looks tired.

Ruby: how can you tell?

Yang: look closely at her eyes. You can see that she's at utter peace. The only way that happens for her is if she's relieved all of her stress.

Ruby: oh...

Yang: you awake, Y/n?

Aya wakes up and a fresh scent pervades her nose. She crawls toward the smell and finds Yang and Ruby. Believing that they were there to harm Y/n, she growled threateningly. When Yang turned to look at Ruby, she saw utter fear on her face as the 15 year old stared at Aya, frozen in fear.

Yang: what's wrong, Rubes?

Ruby: *shakily points at Aya*

Yang: *turns to see Aya baring her teeth* oh shit...

Ruby: sw-swear j-jar....

Aya opened her mouth just enough to show the sharpness of her teeth. Luckily, Yang's touch had awoken Y/n. Y/n lifted her head and looked at Yang.

Yang: *scared* hey sis. Could you tell your overprotective friend to calm down?

Y/n turned to look at Aya who was still growling.

Y/n: *snapping at Aya* stop growling! They're my sisters!

Aya: *stops growling* oh...sorry.

Y/n: thank you.

Aya closes her mouth and stares at Yang. Y/n licks Yang with her massive tongue covering her in saliva.

Ruby: *closing her eyes and showing disgust* oh my God, that is disgusting.

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