Mending the Mind

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8 o'clock PM

Y/n laid in her bed unable to fall asleep. No matter how hard she tried to go to sleep, she just couldn't. She felt restless. Her primal instincts and urges were making her miserable. Her reverse scale had not finished healing yet. Her other scales felt rigid to the touch compared to their normal smoothness. Y/n's eyes changed into those of her dragon form. She shook her head and they returned to normal. Her fingers twitched and her eyes welled up with desperate tears. Y/n's dragon instincts and urges took over her body for a full minute before she fell to her knees after she snapped out of it, panting heavily. She turned to the others who were staring at her, their eyes filled with concern and pity.

Jjala: what should we do?

Clover: there's only one thing we can do.

Ashlyn: wake Clara up.

Clover: this is gonna be difficult.

Aya: she's been like this for two weeks, and it's only got worse.

Halen: it must be agonizing for her. Unable to keep her composure, stop moving, sleep, relax, or even think.

Aya walks over to Clara and wakes her up.

Clara: *tiredly* what?

Aya: call Ozpin.

The girls suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Cora opens the door and Ozpin walks in.

Cora: that was fast.

Ozpin: I am always puntual. What's the problem?

Ashlyn: it's Y/n.

Ozpin: *turns to Y/n* what's wrong with her?

Clover: she hasn't slept in two weeks, she keeps mumbling in a dead language, she's hallucinating, she constantly twitches, and she can't focus.

Ozpin: she's glistening with sweat.

Clover: she can't relax and is always nervous.

Ozpin: damnit! I thought that the scale would heal quickly. It is clear that I was wrong. There is only one way to fix this. Take her to Deor Falls. The rushing water always calms her down.

Aya: yes sir.

Ozpin: all of you have to go, or she'll stay like this.

Everyone nodded before taking Y/n away from Beacon. When they arrive at the falls, Y/n's sight becomes hazy. She suddenly stops as all of the girls see a group of cups with water in them. Clara walks up to the table and reads the note aloud.

Clara: drink!?!

Aya: let's just do this!

Each one of the girls drink the watery substance. Each one feels the taste of honey in their mouth as they swallow. They turned to Y/n who collapses. They stare at her in fear. Y/n opens her eyes which have changed into those of her dragon form.

Clara: oh shit...

Aya: what's wrong!?!

Clara: all of us are gonna have to transform into dragons. It's the only way to help her.

Ashlyn: *turning to Y/n who was getting up panting deeply* oh ho ho shit!

The girls never expected what happened next. Y/n marked all of them in quick succession with absolute ease. Everyone felt their bodies change drastically as they felt utter agony. When the transformation was over, the girls pant and stare at Y/n. They saw the lust filling Y/n's eyes as she stared at them. The girls roared in defiance causing a slip in Y/n's entire trance. When Aya bites her, the pain causes an even larger slip in Y/n's trance. The lust in her eyes disappears and she backs away. She beats her great wings and flies away. She screeches in pain as she bleeds profusely from her chest.

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