Returning to Beacon

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' ' = thinking

Y/n awoke with Clara still laying on her back. She looked at her body and saw that she was still in dragon form. She turned to see Clara still in dragon form as well.

Y/n: oh God...

Suddenly, Ozpin appeared walking toward Y/n. Y/n stared at him as a couple teachers followed him. He walked up to Y/n and placed a hand on her lower jaw.

Ozpin: you look magnificent, Y/n. Truly beautiful.

Y/n closed her eyes and looked away in shame.

Ozpin: come on, my dear niece. Don't be ashamed. Many Dragon Faunuses give in to their urges the first time their reverse scale is shattered. There is no shame in giving in to your instincts.

A tear streamed down Y/n's cheek.

Ozpin: don't cry, Y/n. I'll help you change back into your Faunus form.

Unbeknownst to everyone except for Ozpin, Clara had awoken and barred her teeth getting protective of her mate. She growled threateningly as her eyes were filled with an natural concern for Y/n's safety.

Ozpin: oh dear. Isabella was right.

Ozpin watched his niece growl at Clara. Clara looked down at Y/n as if asking her a question.

Clara: what's wrong?

Y/n: he's my uncle.

Clara: oh.

Y/n: he's friendly.

Clara nuzzles Y/n affectionately before turning to Ozpin and growling lightly.

Ozpin: please call off your mate.

Clara crawled off of Y/n's back. She smiled before licking Y/n's cheek.

Glynda: she obviously believes that she has competition.

Ozpin: I don't think so. She's just very protective. Most Dragon Faunuses are when in dragon form. They rely more on their instincts when in dragon form. Their instincts are heightened. Their normal personality traits become more pronounced. They are more dangerous and emotionally expressive.

Bartholomew: she's massive.

Ozpin: I know.

Bartholomew: may I collect a scale from her?

Ozpin: not the reverse scale. Not even what's left of it.

Bartholomew: of course, headmaster.

As Bartholomew walks up to Y/n, she whimpers causing Clara to bar her teeth and growl deeply.

Ozpin: nevermind, I don't think Y/n is comfortable with it.

Bartholomew: of course.

Ozpin: Y/n, you want to be a Faunus again, don't you?

Y/n: *nods*

Ozpin: okay, the process is very easy. Just focus on your Faunus form and voila, you'll be returned to it.

Clara climbs across Y/n's back and watched Bartholomew carefully. Bartholomew walked up to Y/n's neck and reached for a scale. Clara snaps at him attempting to bite him.

Bartholomew: *runs off* ooh hoo hoo hoo!

Y/n turned to Clara and nuzzled her  before whimpering. Clara climbed off of Y/n. Y/n then closed her eyes and concentrated before changing back into a Faunus. She turned to Clara who did the same. Glynda's eyes widen upon seeing Y/n's cock.

Glynda: oh my God, you're bigger than Ironwood!

Y/n: hehe.

Ozpin: now, let's get them blankets. I'm sure they're very cold.

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