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"That will be all for today your highness." Mr. Bernard, my private tutor said. Being the princess I never had the opportunity to get an education like the other children of the kingdom, hence my father, the King of Northollow, and the previous Kings and royal members received a formal education within the walls of the castle.

And due to my luck, I am the first born and next in line for the throne; hence the classes. In other circumstances this would be frowned upon, but since the change of times, the law of only a male heir to ascend the throne was scrapped out and I have the honor of being the first princess to be Queen of Northollow without being wed. My parents were really proud when they discovered that I would love to reign over our beloved kingdom instead of handing it to my younger brother, and me living the life of a typical queen, wearing pretty dresses and hosting tea parties while my husband ran the kingdom. It's not like I didn't like that life but I would never say no to a sword fight against a worthy opponent, board meetings or piles of paper work. Two sides of the coin right?

Usually after Mr. Bernard's class I would be either in my room reading a book or just going for a ride with Spencer, my horse, but I was summoned by my dear father in his office. He never called me so suddenly, I always had to make an appointment even though I was his daughter. Knocking on the polished doors, I heard my fathers deep voice telling me to enter. As the door creaked open I saw the bustling of all the people, his court, arguing over something very obvious. I knew what it could possibly be, but I was still quite unsure.

Centuries ago before, the lands were divided into three kingdoms, Magehaven, Redmont and our Kingdom, Northollow. No one ever knew the true story of how these kingdoms came to be, everyone had a different version where the kingdom was better than the other and trying to take over the other two so that one of us could finally rule over all the three lands once again. And this is why my parents were always worried if I became Queen, would I be able to control the situation all by myself and I assured them that I will do my best to deliver as per the exceptions of the people.

"Everybody out." He ordered as he rubbed his temple with the tips of his fingers, slouching on the leather chair. If grandma or grandpa were here they would immediately reprimand him for his current posture. "And Leah," he turned to his secretary, "can you please clear the schedule for the rest of the day?" She nodded, before leaving you and your father alone to converse. His demeanor really made me worry, sure being a king was hard but this look very serious. "Is something wrong?" I asked softly, as I fiddled with the fabric of my dress. "You might want to sit for this darling." He motioned me to the chairs opposite his desk to which I obliged.

"Now what I am about to tell you, I am telling you not only as a father to a daughter but also as a king to the next heir," you nodded. He took a deep breath and began, "As you know our neighboring kingdoms have been at war for centuries, but yesterday I received a letter from the kingdom of Redmont." He said, opening the drawer and removing said letter.

"What does it say?" You asked.

"It seems they were attacked terribly last week by the kingdom of Magehaven. And now they are on the brink of extinction, so they want to form an alliance with us, they are ready for us to take over their kingdom in order of the survival of their people." And in case you didn't know, the king of Magehaven wanted to take over all three kingdoms, but neither of the kingdoms allowed that because he was a very cruel ruler. Almost every week we had refuges and people migrating to our land in hope of solace, which they did find. My father was very kind so as to welcome them with open arms.

"So what have you decided?"

"I was thinking of agreeing to it, but I had to consult you first, since you are of age and soon will take over me I have to make sure you, as future queen will be able to handle it." I was shocked, I couldn't believe, my dad finally thinks I am able to take decisions? "Dad I think I will be alright, you should go ahead and form the alliance." I gave a tight lipped smile, which he reciprocated.

"Are you sure?" I nodded, I knew he could never make any decision that would harm me. "But there's one more thing," he continued, "since the attack ruined almost their entire land, the royal family will be coming over to stay in our castle, while the refugees settle in town."

"That would be lovely, dad," I beamed at him.

"They will be arriving by tomorrow so I took the liberty of cancelling your classes for the rest of the day." he grinned.

"Oh, thank you!" I jumped out of my seat and hugged him.

"Okay, you can leave now, I still have some work to get to."

"I'll see you at dinner." I said, heading for the door.

"See you- Oh and Y/n?" He called out, "The heir of Redmont, Prince Harrison will also be arriving, so you might have some company." He smirked. My eyes widened, it had been so long I had seen him. Was I scared or nervous? Who knows, maybe this won't be as bad as I hope it would. As I was leaving I saw mom coming my way to dad's office, she seemed a bit calm but hurried in the room, I wanted to snoop around and see what was the emergency but I remembered I had to go to the stables to see Spencer.

"And?" Mom asked worriedly, "What did she say?" But dad stayed silent. "You didn't tell her did you?"

"It's too much for her."

"We have no choice, you have to confront her okay?" He nodded.

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