Part 11

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Warnings: skeletons??? typos, not proof-read

Pushing myself on my feet I walked to one of the portraits hung on wall rather low than the others, the blue eyed boy following you as you scanned the golden borders of the painting.

"Who's this?" He nodded at the painting, it was a portrait of my great great grandfather standing with his sword on his hip with a brave face.

"That would be my great great grandfather." I answered, still struggling to find what I was searching.

"Has he perchance kept a key to the room behind the portrait?" He snickered followed by a click sound which made me smile proudly and my eyes met his. Years ago when the wars were constant secret passage ways were made incase anyone decided to attack the palace the royal family could be safe; the only time I ever used it was when Alex and I used to play hide and seek, but then we grew up and haven't since.

The portrait was also door which led to various tunnels in the walls of the castle, Harrison stood behind me his jaw dropped when the door opened and revealed the tunnel, "Is it safe?" He asked as I ducked my head, beginning my journey into more darkness.

"It is, you don't have to come if you're too scared." I fought back the urge to smirk.

"Am not!" He defended, "Let's go." I stifled a laugh.

The tunnels were indeed dark, I could barely see so I kept one hand on the wall hoping it would lead us somewhere. "Wait!" Harrison called out, he was a few steps behind me. I can't see where you are going.

"Fine." I groaned, "Here, hold my hand." I let my free hand out for him to hold.

"Why is your hand so skinny?" He asked, almost disgust. I was confused, He was not holding my hand, nor is it skinny; and then it clicked.

"Harrison," I took a deep breath, a disgusting smell filling my nostrils, "that is not my hand you are holding."
"What do you mean?"
"It has been decades since most of these passage ways have been used and the last time it must have been used many people did not get out, so again you are not holding my hand." I pressed, hoping he would understand.

"Ew!" He winced in disgust, even though I tried my best I couldn't help myself and I let out a loud laugh. "You think it's funny?" He asked me in a serious tone.

"I would not be laughing if I did not." I said in between laughs, "Come on let's go." Continuing our journey out of these walls.

"Wait for me!" He jogged behind me and slipped his hand into mine, instantly my heartbeat picked up it pace. Oh no. "In case I get lost, or hold the wrong hand again." We kept on walking till I finally found the door that led to the gardens, the bright sunlight almost blinding us. Took a deep breath, the scent of the flowers and summer sky making me feel warm. "Y/n?" I hummed, "You can let go of my hand now." He said holding our intertwined hands up to my eye level; I abruptly left his hand and cleared my throat, I could see him smirking through the corner of my eye, "We should go in." I stuttered. We walk back in the castle and there was some kind of tension in the air, I kept wringing my hands out of nervousness and when I looked over at him walking beside me, his hands behind his back and his cheeks covered with dust. Must have been from the passage way. "You have something on your face." I pointed at his face.

"It's called handsomeness darling." He snickered. Darling. How can one word make butterflies erupt in my stomach. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before blocking his way by standing in front of him. "Hold on." I instructed him and lifted the sleeve of my gown to wipe the dust off his cheek as he looked at me with his ocean blue eyes. "There you two are," a voice interrupted us and I stepped away from Harrison only to find out that he hand his hand on my waist the whole time, "I have been searching for you where were you-" it was my mother, but she stopped in here tracks when she took a good look at us. "Heavens! Where have you been in the coal mine? You look horrible?" She scolded us.

"Mother it was Alex, he locked us in the room and we had to use the passage ways to get out." I began to reason. "Wait, did you use the passage ways?" I nodded, her anger written on her face, "Y/n, I had warned you never to use those passage ways again."
"Now is not the time to argue, you are already late for your final dress fitting, the seamstress are waiting. Now hurry up and go get cleaned up, you too Harrison." She turned to the boy standing beside me. I head straight to my room to get cleaned up and then to a room with waiting seamstress. The next time I saw Harrison was at dinner, every time I glanced at him I always found him looking at me; after dinner he offered to walk me up to my room. As we walked beside each other I fiddled with my engagement ring and it stared to sink in that in just a day I will be married to Harrison, was I really ready? I looked at him, his face was crumpled as if something were bothering him. I thanked him when we reached my room, "I'll see you at the alter," I smiled and reached for my door when he pulled my back by grabbing my wrist. "At the alter?" He asked, confused, "Won't I see you tomorrow?"

"Why not?"
"Haven't you heard? It is bad luck to see each other before the wedding."
"Really? I nodded, "I had not known that." He mused.
"Well now you do, so I bid you good night." As I turned to head to my room, Harrison yanked me back to him with such force that I was in his arms and my hands flew over his chest. His very strong and firm chest, I visibly gulped at our closeness.

He had his palms set firmly on my hips and eyes flickering between my eyes and lips. What was going on in his mind? His warm palm cupped my jaw, thumb caressing my cheekbones and I instantly found myself melting into his touch. What kind of power does this boy have over me? I felt his breath over my lips, opening my eyes I saw him leaning in and then stopping when our noses brushed against each other. "What are you doing?" I whispered. The blonde stared at me intently and then spoke up, "I was going to kiss you." He answered in a hushed tone. I took a step back, almost tripping. What?

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because I just thought, what if we are at the alter and I kiss you but you turn out to be a terrible kisser?" I gave a feigned expression, how could I be comfortable with this conclusion he drew of me?

"How do I know not know it could be you who is a bad kisser?" I crossed my arms over my chest in defence, a chuckle left his lips, "I am very sure that is incorrect."

I had not thought of kissing Harrison until this moment, how could I do it in front of a huge audience.

"Then we will deal with it at the alter, good night." I said firmly and slammed the door on his face. Meanwhile on the other side of the door I was a mess, I leaned against the door and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. We all have regrets don't we? I opened the door and saw Harrison walking back to his room, "Wait." I call out to him, he whipped his head at me he smirk plastered over his face, "They always come crawling-"

"Shut it!" I cut him off and pull him lower by the lapels of his coat, and the next minute my lips were crashed onto his soft ones. Initially he froze, his hands hanging beside him, but then seemed to catch on what was happening and melted in kiss. Pulling away to catch my breath I looked up at him and saw his eyes still closed, a bit disappointed I couldn't see those baby blues of his. I let go of his coat and pressed my lips in a fine line, already missing the feeling of his lips on mine; and just like that I retreated to my room, a smirk dancing on my lips as I stranded in the hallway.

Harrison's pov

I had not expected for Y/n to kiss me, and I would have been lying if I didn't say that I enjoyed it. The feeling of her lips on mine were absolutely mesmerizing, just I had expected and hoped to be. When I felt a cool breeze against my lips instead of her warm lips my eyes fluttered opened and saw no one, had she just kissed me and left me to be?

I shook my head and reminded myself that I was here to do a job; I went back to my room and waited patiently for midnight to strike, that is when my job would actually start. Hours went by waiting for the clock to strike, the second it did I was out of my comfortable room and surveying the hallways for any guard on patrol, part of my routine since I got here. When there was no sign of anyone, I slipped out and made my way to the end of gardens.

"His Highness sends his wishes." A voice whispered from behind the bushes, "He has been waiting for your word." I looked around hoping no one was around and inched closer.

"Let him know he needn't worry, I'm trying my best here, he just needs to be ready. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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