Part 6

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It took four and a half hours, the longest meeting I ever had to sit through and it surely was agonizing, looking at all the different papers and list that were placed on the round table made it tiring. Who knew planning an engagement and wedding would take up so much time, my parents that's who, the list was endless. I looked over at Harrison who was sitting beside me trying to read his face if he was just as bored as I was. He seemed to be in a rather normal mood compared to last night. "So Y/n is tomorrow fine?" Dad asked as everyone's eyes trailed on me, my mind had completely deterred from the ongoing conversation. "Yeah, tomorrow's fine." I said not knowing what I just agreed to.

"Great! I will send a word to Paolo, and he will be here tomorrow afternoon to paint yours and Harrison's portrait." Dad gave a wide smile. I'm sorry, our what now? The rest of the day went by seeing for dresses, flowers, menus, guest lists etc, all this just for a days ceremony which later on I was corrected to two; one engagement ball which was in two days and the wedding a week later. Getting married is not easy, and with Harrison? I knew he would ruin my life the minute he stepped out of his carriage with his smug smirk and ridiculous tight pants.

After the long hours of discussions I begrudgingly began to make my way to my room since I was confined to it, I was lost in my thoughts again when I was yanked to the side by my arm, "What do you want now Harrison?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Come with me." He smiled and began to walk in the opposite direction than my actual destination. "Where are we going? I can't go out!"

"Oh shush!"

"Excuse me? How dare you-"

"Do you want to see Spencer or not?" He turned to me, I took some time to think about it and nodded, "Then come."

"How do I know this isn't one of your pranks?"

"It's not." He said, look all around to check if the coast was clear.

The second we safely made it to the stables and ran to Spencer's stall, opening the door and embracing him, "Hey, boy I missed you so much." I cooed at him as he nickered in response. Harrison told me to hurry up because the guards would come looking for us if I'm not in my room like I was supposed to be, all of the sneaking around felt illegal for some reason. Finishing up with Spencer I locked his stall door so he wouldn't get nor would the stable boys know that I was here. Harrison was leaning against a post when I walked up on him,"So what's the catch?"

"What do you mean?" He said, gazing into the distance and avoiding me.

"Why are you being so nice to even though I snapped at you last night? What's in it for you?" I asked, looking at how the wind ran through his hair.

"There is no catch, I saw how miserable you were without your precious little horse and I felt bad for you." He admitted as he began to walk back in the castle. "So you did this because you felt pity on me?" He shrugged, "I also noticed how lost you were during the meeting about the wedding, I could tell." He said ascending up the stairs.

"So what you're good at reading faces now?"

"Just yours." He gave a soft smile. "Besides shouldn't this be fun for you? I mean haven't you already planned out your wedding when you were little?"

"Do you know anything about women?" I asked him, "No, I haven't already planned out my wedding."

"All girls do that."

"Well I am not all girls, besides not all girls have a kingdom to worry about," I stated as we reached my room, "And thank you for taking me to see Spencer." I said meekly as I entered the room.


"Is this really necessary Amber?" I asked her as she fastened my corset making me gasp and suck in some air, "It's really hard to breath in this."

"Yes, I know but its a requirement." She grunted giving it one last tug and tying it, I settled for a red satin gown with golden lace for the bodice, I decided to keep my makeup simple and to let my hair flow over my shoulder instead of opting to have in an up-do. After dressing up I went to the great room where we were supposed to meet Paolo for our portrait, I entered and saw Harrison already there admiring at the painting hung up on the wall; he turned around when he heard my footsteps. He wore a black tail coat with all his medals pinned, his white ridiculous pants in true Harrison fashion. His eyes trailed on me from my feet to my head a soft laugh escaping his lips,"Alright, get your jokes out." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand at him to begin.

"You look wonderful." He said walking up to me.

"Is that the best you could insult anyone?"

"But you look beautiful, you should accept that." He put his hands behind his back, I was about to say something when the doors burst open and Paolo walked in with his easel, canvas and paints, "There they are! The dream couple!" He exclaimed, setting his things down and greeting us.

"Let's not waste time now shall we?" He grinned and rubbed his hands motioning us to take our places, Harrison escorted me to the place and Paolo was setting his paints and brushes. Taking our places opposite his canvas, I stood beside Harrison with my hands on top of the other on my dress while he stood at a distance with his hands still behind his back. "Closer please." Paolo instructed, we complied by stepping close to each other, shoulders now brushing.

"Hmm, this doesn't seem right." He mumbled and walked over to us, "May I?" He asked, giving him permission, he took Harrison's hands and placed it on my waist and mine on his chest but not before pushing us extremely close to each other. "I would say this is really uncomfortable, but I already have a corset on." I mumbled under my breath.

"Ah perfect!" He exclaimed, running back to his canvas to capture this so called moment. Once again he was towering over me, breath fanning over my face, I avoided staring into his icy blue eyes and focused at the task at hand, getting our portraits done.

"So, I was thinking..." Harrison began.

"Oh no, that's not good." I deadpanned.

"I need you help." He said as I looked into his pleading eyes.

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