Part 7

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"Um... I wanted to talk about the engagement ball tomorrow."

"Please tell me you don't wan't to cancel it, although it would make me happy if you did, please don't. Everything is already planned out, our parents would be devastated if you do!" I rambled on.


"What kind of a son are you? Do you want to see you mother sad?" I continued.

"Y/n." He stressed, trying to stop me.

"Are you going to disappoint everyone..."

"Y/n!" He raised his voice to stop me, "I don't want to cancel." I mumbled a soft apology after he spoke. "Before you go on rambling again, just listen to what I have to say. The thing is... oh how do I tell you." He grimaced and took a deep breath, keeping his eyes screw shut, "The thing is, the ball is tomorrow and I don't exactly know how to dance." It took me a minute to process what he said, and when he did I couldn't hold by laughter back and burst into fits of laughter.

"What kind of a prince does not know how to dance?" I asked in between my laughs, and noticing how Harrison's face displayed an unamused reaction. "Ha ha, laugh it out." He mocked me.

"I pity the fool who has to teach you." I chuckled, wiping away the tear from the corner of my eye.

"Well..." he trailed off and look kept his eyes on me, trying to tell me that, I was going to be the fool.

"No." I shook my head, "No I will not."

"Please come on, we don't have much time. And you are my last resort, I wasn't keen on my decision either."

"And what makes you think I'd say yes? There's nothing in it for me." I questioned, instantly he brought his lips in a pout and tried his best to give me the puppy dog eyes. "If you think that this is going to work on me, you're wrong." I pointed out. "Fine!" He groaned, "I'll stop with the pranks, is that enough?"

"And we have ourselves a deal." I gave a tight smile.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed and tightened his grip in my waist in excitement. "After the portrait is done I'll change and then we can start." I informed him, he beamed with excitement.

My legs were getting tired as well as my cheeks from the constant smiling, just then Paolo notified us that he was done and called us over to view the finished product. Awkwardly stepping away from Harrison I gathered my gown to see the portrait that dad made us get done in a hurry. My eyes widened and my hand flew to my mouth as I gasped, it was absolutely wonderful; Paolo seemed to paint the perfect moment of me laughing over how Harrison didn't know how to dance and him looking at me with complete adoration in his eyes.

"Wow, Paolo you've out done yourself." I stuttered, the blue eyed blonde beside me agreeing. After sending compliments his way he packed his things and left, as did Harrison and I to our respective rooms before agreeing to meet in the ball room.

"Amber!" I called out to her as I entered my room and struggled to take off the dress,"Help me out of this stupid corset!" I raged as she came into view.

"Wow someone's in a hurry." She raised her brows.

"Kind of." I shrugged off the gown and explained the deal I made with Harrison moments ago, it gave away that I was finally warming up to him making me decline immediately that it was just a dance lesson nothing much. Slipping into a more comfortable dress I walked down to the ball room and once again he was there before me, "Okay let's get started."

I walked to center of the ballroom, him following behind me. My breath hitched as he rested one of his palms on my hip and the other being held out for me to slip mine into. We first went over the basic dance steps and so far he was doing okay for a beginner until he stepped on my toe, "Ouch!" I yelped causing him to flinch, "I said your right Harrison pay attention." He spluttered out an apology. Placing my hand on his broad shoulder, I lowered my eyes to our feet making sure he wouldn't step on my foot again.

After hours and aching toes I finally had prepared him enough for the ball,"Um, Y/n?" He called out when I was almost out the door. "What now?" I whined.

"I was wondering if you could teach me how to do one of those spins."

"Spins?" I scoffed,"Haven't you hurt my toes enough?" My aching feet didn't matter to him, he wanted to learn his spin and unfortunately gave in. I groaned and once again slipped my hands in his as he beamed. I didn't like how I was agreeing with everything he wanted, I just kept reminding myself that I didn't have to fall for him; I cannot give him that.

After instructing him for the nth time he seemed to have finally got it, "Okay now one last time." He nodded and took my hand the other behind his back carefully spinning me back in his embrace, placing his free hand on the small of my back and dipping me. The last part caught me off guard and my hands immediately clutched on his biceps and letting out a soft gasp. We stayed in that position for a few moments when one of the butlers decided to interrupt us to inform us that dinner was served.

After dinner the walk back to my room was quite a task especially climbing up the stairs, I groaned, taking another step when Harrison called out to me,"Hang on a minute." He said trying to catch his breath and snaked his one hand around my waist and the other under my knees and carried me bridal style as I let out a tiny yelp of surprise; my arms going around his neck.

"This is not necessary Harrison." I argued.

"It is. I'm a gentleman and I couldn't see a lady in distress, especially if she is my lady," He grinned and earned an eye roll from me, and also you would complain for the rest of our life of how rude I am."

'Our life?' His voice echoed in my mind as he left me near my room and went to his not without flashing his infamous smile.


"We're ready for you your majesty." Amber informed me as I nervously stood in front of my mirror, "Thank you, Amber, I'll be there." I sent a weak smile. This is it. My life is about to change the minute I walk out of those doors and nothing will ever be the same.

I looked at my reflection one last time, for the people, I told myself. 

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