Part 2

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I stood in the hallway for a couple minutes trying to absorb what Harrison said. Was he going to take advantage of me? Or take over the kingdom? I shook off my thoughts and went straight to my room.

I saw Amber tidying up as usual. I always wondered why was she always cleaning up? I did keep my room quite neatly, huffing I went straight to my book shelve took out a random book and sat on one of the seats and began to read my anger away. "So how was he?" Amber asked excitedly. Without taking my eyes off the page I shrugged in response; she sent a quizzical look my way and went back to her work, I think she understood that I didn't want to be bothered.

I had no idea how quickly time passed away, I was bought back to reality when Amber told me it was dinner time. "Can't I just eat in my room tonight?" I whined, Harrison's words coming to mind. I had no intention in knowing what he meant. "The king has requested your presence since it's the first dinner with the royal family of Redmont." She informed. I groaned in frustration and got up from my seat, keeping my book in my place and taking a quick look in the mirror before leaving when there was a knock on my door, "Amber could you get that please?" I asked, applying another coat of lip gloss.

"Y-your highness." She stuttered, and gave a bow as she opened the door. I didn't have to turn around to see who it was, the person entered the room and saw him from my mirror. "Your highness." Harrison turned to me and bowed. He had changed his outfit, he had swapped his blue coat for a red one with gold buttons and loose white pants with black knee-length boots. Why do I keep looking at his pants? I mentally cursed myself. "I was hoping to escort you to dinner." He declared showing his pearly whites. Oh.

"Oh, um sure." I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his elbow which he had extended. Walking into the hallway, something itched me to ask him, "Is this why you were asking for my room?"

He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and a second later let out a soft chuckle, "Why else would I?" If I didn't feel like a fool before I definitely did now.

"Just asking." I smiled and continued to walk to the dining room in silence. The closer we came we heard the roaring laughter from inside the room. The doors opened to reveal our families having a hearty time, "There they are!" Dad roared upon seeing us enter the room and everyone's gaze on us. Harrison escorted me till my seat and pulled out my chair for me, I looked over my shoulder and saw him smiling; I reciprocated a similar one, thanking him.

As soon as he was out of a ear shot my brother, Alex nudged my foot under the table. I gave him a stern look as he leaned to my side, "So your future husband is nice."

"Please don't." I warned him, "I didn't want to be here in the first place."

"Sure," he rolled his eyes, "also, he was asking me a lot of questions earlier today."

"What kind of questions?" I asked and shifted my gaze to see him talking to Charlotte.

"Questions about you."

"About me?" He nodded, "What kind of questions?"

"Your likes and dislikes." He said plainly.

My likes and dislikes? Couldn't he ask me directly?

I was pulled out of thoughts when dad clanked the spoon against his glass, "A toast!" He announced, "To our union of land and relationship," he locked eyes with me, "To Northollow!"

"To Northollow!" Everyone raised their glasses and chanted together.


After dinner I was about to head to my room when dad stopped me. "Honey I wanted to let you know that I cancelled your classes for this week-"

"Oh, so this you want me to know?" I sassed and crossed my hands across my chest in defence, "What are you not telling me now?"

"I can see you are still upset," he let out an exasperated sigh, "but while I go over the legal documents with the queen I want you to give Harrison and Charlotte a little tour of the kingdom."

"A tour?! I am about to be the future queen and you want me to give them a tour?" I let my anger take over me, "Shouldn't I be there, going over the documents?"

"Yes, but you are not queen yet. So as a princess you have to tend to our guests." He said. I clenched my jaw in anger and went straight to my room, I had no energy to argue with him; we were already on thin ice.

The next morning I woke up to the bright sun light coming from the window as well as soft whispers near the door, lifting my hand away from head I tried to get a glimpse of the voices. It was Amber and Harrison, she was standing at the door while he was standing out smiling and listening carefully to what she was saying and leaving a few moments later.

"What did he want?" I yawned and sat up on my bed, rubbing away the sleep from my eyes.

"He was asking if you were up yet, isn't that sweet?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Maybe because he wants to be a perfect husband?" She chuckled.

Perfect husband my ass. "I'll be the judge of that." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Your highness, could I ask you something?" She asked meekly, I nodded, "You don't want this do you?"

"That obvious huh?"

"I've been taking care of you for some time now, I can tell when you are upset dear, your not that subtle."

"It's just that all my life I've been taught to be the perfect Queen, and considering I am the first one to, I want to make sure I make my place without a man beside me."

"And that is exactly what you've done, the people love you with or without a man by your side but I think it's time someone loved you for you and not for the throne," she placed a comforting hand on mine, "Unlike Prince Chad." She said and both of us fake gagged letting out a laugh moments later.

Prince Chad was visiting from the Kingdom of Nella, and he was a shame to princes all over the world. He was an absolute snob who was taking advantage of me because his daddy dearest, the king had banished him for some reason and was desperate to be in line for a throne. When he heard I was the future queen he kept on persuading me, but unfortunately I couldn't be. He's also the reason I don't want to find a husband this early on.

"Just give him a chance, please?"

"I'll think about it." I hummed.

"Well you better make up your mind fast, you have a busy day today." She chuckled and went to draw me a bath.

"Right, tour!" Groaning a plopped back into the comfort of my sheets.

"Come on, it wouldn't be that bad!"


After a refreshing bath and scrumptious breakfast, I went downstairs and saw Harrison talking to dad, apparently something that made him laugh. "Ah, good morning dear!" Dad said as his eyes caught mine, I smiled. "Morning dad." I kissed his cheek and turned to Harrison, "Your highness." He flashed his famous grin, bowed and took my hand placing a kiss on my knuckles. He seemed to have a casual attire today, a blue buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants. I really need to gouge my eyes out if I look at his pants again.

"The carriage is waiting for you." Dad informed.

"Shouldn't we wait for Charlotte?"

"She's taking the day to herself, she hasn't been feeling that well." Harrison cut in.

"Well then, the two of you should get going." Dad practically shoved us out the door.

Just the two us travelling across the kingdom.



a/n: Lemme know what you think 🥰

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