Chapter 3

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"Hey! It looks like you guys could use something to eat, and somewhere to sleep."

Harry's P.O.V

The man slowly made his way down the alley, putting his hands up showing he means no harm. Although, something about him just doesn't seem right. No human has ever wanted to help us. Only harm us.

Making his way closer to us, he offers his hand to Jeremy to shake, which he gladly takes, but I on the other hand am shaking at the close contact from a person that isn't in the group. Ever since that day from my childhood, I will never trust one of them.

As he goes around the group, introducing himself as Mr. Jones, I couldn't help but take in his appearance. He had gelled back brown hair and light blue, nearly grey eyes that just seem to go on forever, like a bottomless pit. He wears a white t-shirt with faded jeans. He looks like one of those builders from around the corner, tough, well built and wealthy. Why he was offering to help us? I have no idea.

"Look guys, I've seen your pictures on the posters all around town."

Ahhh, now I know why he wants to help us. The reward. The money reward that who ever turns us in, gets.

"I just wanted to help you guys out. Maybe take you all back to my apartment, fix you up a meal, give you somewhere warm to sleep. No strings attached," He says, looking down at us. Too tired from running to even stand, a place to sleep and a meal sounds really good right now. We all look at each other and nod to argree to go with Mr. Jones.

He starts to walk towards Jeremy to help him up but before he could touch him, I swatted his hand away. Still not liking the idea of him getting close to any of us.

When we all stood and dusted ourselves off I nodded for him to lead the way to his apartment.

Walking towards his apartment wasn't long but I grabbed jeremy and put him in the middle of all of us just in case. Throughout the walk Mr. Jones would acasually try to make small talk, but I didn't want to put the group in danger of giving him any information of us being on the run, so I stayed quiet with a nod or a smile now and then.

Walking into the building, we remain quiet but look closely at what he is doing. Three years on the run and one day someone asks to help you, yeah, everything is a little sketchy to you.

Stepping into the apartment, I make sure I'm first in to check it out, making sure it isn't a trap. Looking around, I notice that Mr. Jones and I are the only ones in the small room. Not much furniture, it looks very easy going and clean. I nod for the rest to follow into the warm and almost...calming room. It's been awhile since any of us has had somewhere like this.

Once we are all in the apartment, Mr. Jones disappears into a room. Which makes me skeptical of this situation just a bit more, thinking about where he went or what he might be doing. With this life you have to always be on edge with the slightest thing.

I soon calm down and let out a shaky breath, that I didn't know I was keeping in, when Mary started to rub my back.

Mr Jones returned with warms clothes that he passed out to each one of us. It was weird how he new all our sizes and how he had them ready for us, like he new we were coming? We all are still in a huddle in the middle of the room holding the new warm outfits with the awkwardness in the air, Mr. Jones lets out a small chuckle and motions towards us to go to the small hallway. This didn't really feel like someone's home...

He showed everyone a room to change in, but when he pushes Jeremy towards a door, I grab my brother's arm, not wanting to be seperated from him for the first time since the incident with our parents but Mr. Jones insists it will be okay.

"Dont worry, you will be in the room next him. He won't be far, okay?" He says with a hint of sympathy in his voice as he pushes jeremy in the room and shuts it before I could give my brother a final glance.

Pushing me towards the last door in the hallway, the last words I hear him say were, "I'm sorry.."

That's when I get pushed into the room ... And see him.


third update of the day WOAHHHH hahaha

and that picture in the multimedia is sam


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