Chapter 7

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Harry P.O.V

After what felt like hours we arrived at the facility, Mary ,Sam and jeremy have all fully woken up and we have all been talking to each other like it was our last time were gonna be in the group, which it probably is ... as soon as we get out of the car were gonna be sorted and split and maybe never see each other again.

"Harry, where are going?" Jeremy asked curled up in the corner of his cage. You could hear in his voice that he was on the edge of crying but he remained strong like the little man he is.

"Ah ... were going to place where... we're not gonna be allowed to be together little man" I give it to him bluntly cause in a few minutes he would find out anyway so i think its better he hears it from me now.

"Wh-what? Harry i-i don't want too be with you, I-I'm scared" He says crying his eyes out, with his tail wrapping around him for comfort. Thats when I had an idea to give my little brother a little comfort just to remind him that he's not alone, I got my tail and put it through the bars of the cage and curled with his and making it lightly tickle his nose, which made him giggle a bit and look up at me with watery eyes but they soon returned to his knees sobbing uncontrolably.

I let my tail sit on his lap just enjoying each others company before we would get ripped apart. My family is the only thing i have, and now we're minutes away from getting turned into a brainless pet for some human that will probably beat me for being what i am.

Deep in thought i hadnt noticed that the car came to a stop. It was jeremy that brought me back to reality when he started kicking and thrashing around in his cage wanting to get away from the back door of the range over. Looking out the back window i see two troops coming towards the doors and clicking it open and staring at us. With this Mary, still in her wolf form, started growling when they went to open the door of Jeremy's cage and when sam realized what they were doing he to started hissing into the muzzle and grabbing at the bars of his smaller cage. Jeremy was like a younger brother to everyone so when it came to keeping him safe everyone pitched in.

The men gave one last look at the three of us getting angry with the close contact. So they went to the front of the car to retrieve an item. when this happened I took the time to say goodbye to everyone, not knowing when we might see them again...if I saw them again.

"Mary... If we dont see each other again i just wanted to say, that i always saw you as a sister, family and i will never forget the time we met running from the troops after we helped each other escape the men. I love you and im gonna miss you" I say looking at her in the eyes. As i finish she lets out a whimper unable to talk but i know what she would of said if she could.

Next i looked at Sam who's cage was underneath mine.

"and Sam your my brother from another mother and nothing will change that, blood brothers for life " I say looking down at him and smiling at his muffled responce since the muzzle stopped him from saying anything that sounds human. Next i look at my brother that was shaking from crying. He was the one that will take the split the worst but i didnt need to say anything else i just linked our tails together and whispered.

"I wont let them hurt you bud...I promise" I say looking at the men returning to the back of the car and opening the doors chucking a container in and immediently shutting the door with a bang. Before i take in what just happened the container started to spray a mist, that soon took over the whole car and it started to get really hard to breath.

As a minute went by i found myself drifting off to sleep along with mary and sam but before i completely close my eyes the doors fly open and a man in a white jacket opens Jeremys cage and drags the screaming child out.

"Nooooo! Harry make them stop! make them stop you promised! NO!"Jeremy screams not affected by the midst by being so close to ground.

Before I had any chance to stop them everything went black but not before i tell my brother one more thing.

"Its not the end Jeremy, We'll be together soon " Then darkness.

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