Chapter 51

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Harry's p.o.v ( before Louis finds the note )

Pain is all I feel, I've been walking for about 20 minutes it hurts but every minute I walk is another minute away from Louis.

But I can't walk for much longer, I'm losing blood and lots of it. I need to find a secure place to ... Rest.

I keep walking until I see a familiar alleyway . I slowly make my way over to the entrance, looking down all I see is memory's . I remember the day when me and my family rested here, that same day was the day I last saw jeremy , I wonder where he was? If he's alive or not. I guess I'll know soon .

I slowly and painfully walk down the alleyway, I see a huge dumpster , perfect. I walk up to it and slowly slid down it, finally letting my body rest. The dumpster was cold and dirty but I rather this than Louis seeing me weak and him having to look after me.

I could feel my body weaken with every breath, it wasn't long now. I looked out and watched the people walk past the alley ways entrance, they all looked so happy. I continued to watch, when two people stopped at the entrance and stood there , watching me. They could do what they wanted with me, I wouldn't be able to fend them off, not in this condition.

They walked closer to me, I couldn't see their faces because it was still early in the morning , and the only people walking around are business people going to work.

They walked closer and I started to back more againist the dumpster , trying to get away.

" Harry ?" one of them said, making my tired old ears stick up at my name.

" what did they do to you?" a male voice said, that sounded very familiar.

The two figures took a few more steps towards me and that's when I saw their faces.

Mary and Sam.

" how..h-how did y-you find m-me?" I struggled to say, to weak to speak.

" Harry , I'm a vampire, I could smell your blood from a mile away" Sam said sitting down next to me and taking in my injuries . I looked up at Mary , she was in her human form and looking more beautiful then ever.

" come on Harry, let's get you back to Louis ". Sam said putting his arms around me and trying to pick me up.

" Ahhhh! No, please" I yelled, pain shooting through my body with every touch.

" Harry please, let us help you" Sam said placing my legs back down onto the wet ground.

" if y-you w-want to help , then just t-talk to me" I said watching as Mary and Sam looked at each other and nodded. They then both sat down next to me. I looked at them, my family.

" so d-do you guys know w-what happened to ... J-Jeremy ?" I said watching as Sam nodded.

" he wasn't killed at the facility like we thought, they took him to the arena with me and Mary ... But he never fought, a couple of days after we arrived , a buyer came and wanted a young cheap beast to study...and he brought Jeremy " Sam said with a tear running down his face.

" what?"I said attempting to get up but falling back down.

" I'm sorry Harry " Mary said looking to the ground.

" that's ... That's great news! " I said , making the two look up confused.

" for w-weeks I've b-been thinking my b-brother was dead and now your t-telling me he may be still alive!" I said , flinching a bit at the pain.

" take it easy Harry " Sam said putting his hand on my chest to calm me down.

I knew how much self control Sam must have right now, he is a vampire with blood at his finger tips. Ha I remember the first time we met and my arm was bleeding , so he drank my blood and healed my cut.

" what are you smiling about ?" Sam said , I didn't know I was smiling until he mentioned it.

" I remembered the time, w-when we first m-met , and you healed my arm " I said watching his face light up at the memory but then his face went white.

" w-what?" I said, him and Mary looked at each other before back down at me.

" Harry I could heal your wound!!" he shouted with joy.

" you could?" I asked him , watching as he ripped my shirt open. I looked down to see my wound had gotten worse. The bruise was nearly covering my whole chest and blood was everywhere.

I watched as Sam knelt down and started to heal the wound with his tongue and teeth. The blood was soon gone and you could see the wound a lot better now.

" alright Harry, this is going to hurt, it's not like last time, that was only a little cut , this time I have to inject a bit of my venom into your wound, its gonna hurt but the venom will make your nerves jolt awake and start healing again, because right now your nerves are dead and not healing, so the venom with just give them a shock and they will start to heal again but you will probably pass out" he said, I shook my head yes and watched as he put his fangs over my cut, then from the ends of them a drip of clear liquid dripped from them and landed on my wound.

Immediently it started to tingle, but then intense pain shot all around my body, I felt like there was acid in my veins!

" Ahhhhh! " I shouted squirming to try and somehow run from the pain. Sam and Mary then grabbed me and kept me from moving around.

" Harry calm down! It's working " Sam said calmly , slowly patting my head as if to sooth me.

The pain was too much and I found myself slowly closing my eyes.

And darkness surrounded me...


So who can remember when zayn took Harry out to bond and Harry had those flashbacks? And told zayn how he met sam?? Did you all forget that haha

I know the chapters are short but this was just a filler :) the next one will be long !! :)

200 votes til next update :)

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