Chapter 4

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Harry P.O.V

"Im sorry."

Then, I was pushed into the room and saw him.

When I was pushed into the room it was so dark, but being half-cat comes in handy. Having night vision is great, but before I could adjust to see, I heard the door lock.

I immediently jumped at the door, scratching and pulling at the handle, but then from behind i heard the faintest sound, it was something like feet shuffling from side to side. Turning around in the dark, I heard another click then the lights came on, revealing the person that had haunted me in my nightmeres every night.

I stood there in shock, dropping my clothes Mr jones had given me and making my tail curl up around my left leg. My ears slowly flattened on my head and my green eyes went wide at the sight in front of me.

Mr. Lerk himself stood in the room with me, arms crossed, with a sour looking smile. I was surrounded by just about 7 or 8 army troops each holding a different object. They held rope, nets, bats, guns, etc.

This was it, no escape and the the rest of the group were split up, we were helpless. Jeremy! He's only 7 and they have no use for a hybrid that's so young. I can't even imagine what's happening next door and if he's even alive or not.

As I'm in thought, Mr. Lerk had began to circle me, looking at every inch of my body. Occasionally grabbing at my skin or lifting my t-shirt, but I couldnt care at the moment, as all I was thinking of was my mum's final words to me and how i failed her. I hung my head and just stood there, not wanting to know what Mr. Lerk was planning, but I had no choice when he spoke to look.

'You and your pack have been causing my men some trouble, huh?" He spoke slow af if I couldn't understand him, and the way he said pack as if we were some low brained animals but we weren't, we were a family.

"You're not gonna answer me son?" He asked harshly, getting closer and bending his knees to get to my height. When he did this, I just shook my head to signal 'no.' As he got close enough as to where I could smell his last cigarette on his breath, I took a step back to where my back hit the door and I was trapped.

This action must have made Mr. Lerk angry because he then launched forward like a cheetah towards its prey. He grabbed my neck with one hand, and the other one was layed on my chest pushing me further into the door, making it harder to breath.

"You little prick!" He growls harshly. "You answer to me when I talk, and never walk away while i'm speaking." Mr. Lerk tightens his grip on my neck and pulls me off the door, only to slam me back into the solid wood.

Soon, I started to gasp for air, squiming to get out of his grip. He only smirked and pushed me to the ground, where I curled up to a ball trying to get air back into me. I curled my tail around my waist and my ears were still flat on my head. My cheek was now stained with tears. The small water droplets continued to fall, but I needed to be strong. 3 years of running and I will not bow down to the man that killed my parents.

As soon as Mr. Lerk came closer to me I stood up, wiped away the tears, showed my tail and straightened my ears to stand proud on my head. Trying to look strong, my gaze followed Mr. Lerk until he was back in his original spot, inbetween the men with weapons.

As he stood there waiting for me to try something, never once did we leave each other's hard glare. He raised his arm and shot it forward with a Different language command towards the soldiers.

Soon after the signal, the men ran into circle around me, all shouting different things at me.

"Here kitty, kitty!"

"Come here, lovely."

"Over here ya bastard!"

"Curly," one of them called me while making kissy noises as if he was calling a dog.

And many more different things were being shouted in a disgusting preditore way. I kept turning on the spot, not knowing where to look. This was their plan. As I turned to try and keep all of them in my sight, a rope was thrown around me and over my neck, then it was pulled tightly and I was thrown on the floor. Kicking and flinging my arms around to try and get air through my neck. Next, another two ropes were thrown aound my wrists and pulled making my arms to go criss-crossed around my chest , next one rope went around my feet and pulled tightly making all my movements come to a cease.

With all the men laughing at my state, and high fiving each other, i couldn't help but to look at Mr. Lerk and his smug look of content on his face as he was walking out of the door. He gave one kick to my chest, not improving my air problem. only making me gasp out for more.

"Wha-what a-are yo-you.." I try to say before Mr. Lerk stopped in his tracks in the door frame and proceeded back to me as I lay tied up on the floor.

"What are we gonna do to you?" He says in more of a questioning way.

"Well, let's see if you last a week, before we plan anything, shall we?" He says holding my chin up with one finger as he looks at my face like a lion looks at a zebra, just wanting to rip it apart. With that, he walks out the door ,and a man comes and throws me over his shoulder, taking me out of the room, down the hallway and into the first room.

There was Mr. Jones and Mr. Lerk. Mr. Lerk was handing Mr. Jones wadds of money and then shaking his hand.

"Thank you Mr. Jones, your plan has made this city a safer place. Enjoy your reward," Mr. Lerk says nodding his head in my direction.

"I will, just be carefull with them, wont you?" Mr jones aks, looking over to me with a frown as he sees my state but then he looks over to the corner. When I look over the man's head who is carring me, my face drops as I see my family. I swear if these ropes weren't holding me, I would have been thrashing out of this mans tight grip.

My Jeremy.


So theres chapter 4 for you guys and i promise that the boys will be coming soon lol

And thats Mr lerk in the picture

and let me know if i should keep going with this story so

Vote,comment,share ,fan and thanks all you lovely people out there for reading :D

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