Chapter Four: Will the Wise - [Pt. 2]

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Contains mention of pain, mention of breakdowns, fear, and mention of death)

Your POV


Inhale, then exhale.

It was so amazing to me, the fresh feeling of oxygen coursing through my lungs.

I couldn't breathe well on my own, so I had a oxygen tube. It helped get the lovely oxygen to my lungs.

Without it, my lungs burned at random times without warnings.

I always felt pain, either in my lungs or I felt pain for myself.

I acted like I was okay. But I never truly was.

I was never truly happy with myself at all. I felt like my life was too much to handle.

It was always 'I'm fine' or 'I'm okay'.

But it was all a mask.

I had to put on a fake smile everyday of the week, the only person I could actually be myself with was Eleven.

She understood.

We would have mental breakdowns together, and it felt so astonishing to just let go of everything and cry.

Cry out all of each other's pain.

"Hey, kids. Listen, um... about last night, I, uh..." Hopper trailed off, outside of our door that was still closed and locked.

"I want this place cleaned up by the time I get back and then maybe I'll consider fixing the TV. You hear me?" He adds, shortly after walking off and leaving the small cabin.

*Time Skip*

Hopper's POV

I had made it to the Byers' residence, to my surprise the door was already open.

"Hello?" I say as I walk into the freezing house hold.

Why was it so cold?

"Leave it open. Where the hell have you been?" Joyce asks, walking over to the door.

"I overslept. What the hell's going on? It's freezing." I respond, also asking a question.

Joyce begins to walk down the halls of her house, so I just assume I'm supposed to follow her. She leads me too Will's room, and she stops at the slightly closed door.

"Hey! Knock, knock." Joyce says as opens the door fully, revealing the boy in his room.

"We have a visitor." She adds, referring to me.

*Short Time Skip*

"So this thing, this shadow thing. You told your mom it likes it like this. It likes it cold?" I ask Will, as we sat in his room.

"Yeah." He responds back to me, answering quite quickly.

I was sort of confused, how did he know?

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