Chapter Nine: The Gate - [Pt. 3 - FINAL PART]

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Contains mention of death, mention of hell, fear, trauma, and overly cute moments 🥺❤️)

Third Person POV

Everyone was watching him, but he was looking at her. Y/n's limp body laid on the couch; it was in resting mode.

After a long battle, all the warriors have to rest. To regain their strength for the next battle. The next battle would be sooner than she could have ever imagined.

The battle had almost got the best of her, but she survived. Now, her lungs were worst than before, but she saved a life. She saved his life, and she hoped to save many others before her death.

It felt like the world was shaking, metaphorically and literally. The world seemed to be changing, changing rapidly.


But, changing was apart of life, right? Nobody can stop change, and that's just how it is.

"Oh it's been so long,"

But something about everything was too different. It wasn't the same world she was in a few moments ago.

"Y/n, are you even fucking listening to me?"

Things can change, but nothing ever changed that much.


Never believe someone when they say they have changed, they're most likely lying.

"Sorry Brina!"

Who was that? Why were they talking to her?


Y/n opened her eye lids to see a completely different world. A world made of clouds. It was official, she had died, "You're not dead, y/n,"

She looked behind her to see a women who had a head of red hair. They were also wearing a white robe, and y/n smiled at the sight of her face: it was Sue.

Sue Reinhardt.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Sue chuckled lightly as she approached her young niece, "Yeah, that's me!"

Y/n could feel herself almost crying at the sight of her sarcastic aunt and legal guardian, she ran towards her and basically jumped into her arms.

"Sue," Y/n choked out as she tightly hugged Sue, tears falling from her eyes.

Sue let go of y/n to examine her face, "Wow... you look the same," Sue smiled, "Well, I just did see you!"

"Wait... how am I here-"

Sue cut off the younger girl, "Brina, coffee!" Suddenly, a blonde girl appeared next to Sue, holding a cup of coffee, "Here you go."

"Thank you, Brina."

"You didn't answer my question," Y/n repeated, rolling her eyes as well. "Oh, sorry. Yeah, that was all you," Sue added as she sipped her coffee, Brina was still standing there for some odd reason.

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