Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister - [Pt. 2]

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Contains neglecting, mention of death, mention of murder, fear, and trauma)

Your POV

"And this memory your mother shared... that is your only memory of me?" Kali asked Eleven as we all sat on the roof.

Eleven had just explained our entire life story to this complete stranger, and honestly at this point, I didn't care.

Why should I stop her?


She's capable of making her own decisions.

"And how long have you been with this policeman?"

At this point, I was barely listening.

"Three hundred and twenty-seven days."

I sat close to the railing to place a paper on, so I could write. I will admit, that I wasn't the best writer.

"And this policeman, he thinks he can work out some sort of deal with these men to set you free?"

I had been practicing for a few months and it has been improving, but I want perfection.

"Yes. He says soon."

I want it to be lovely.

I want to be lovely.

Those should be the first words.

I want to be lovely.

"He's naïve then. We'll always be monsters to them. Do you understand? That's too both of you," Kali added, bringing me into her conversation.

"Mhm." I replied, not fully engaged into all of this.

"I'm serious, this isn't a joke. Let me guess. Your policeman, he also stops you from using your gifts?" Kali asked, as I wrote more onto the paper.

I want to be lovely, but is it possible?

I think not, it's just I and me.

It's lonely, but it's home.

"I can't use mine much." I stated, getting Kali's full attention.

She turned her head to me in surprise, "And why exactly is that?"

"I have a condition, it hurts me to use them," I answered, writing more onto the paper in the process.

But being lonely gives me time to think.

It's nice to reflect on the day.

When I'm with others they don't even give me time to blink.

But it hurts.

Hurts on the inside and out.

"Pain should not cause a limit. What you both can do is incredible. It makes you guys very special." Kali remarked, making me scoff.

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